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Pantera Deluxe x350MA

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Pantera Deluxe x350MA Empty Pantera Deluxe x350MA

Post by prosonic Fri Feb 12, 2010 9:59 am

I posted this in the wrong place before! Let me try this! (laughing at myself) Pantera Deluxe x350MA Bom

I'm new to the forum, but a long time musician. I have owned my westone for about 5 years. I love it and enjoy playing it as much (if not more) than my 84 Les Paul custom. The craftsmanship is absolutely beautiful and it plays like a dream. It is a Pantera Deluxe X350MA. No, I'm not interested in selling it, but yes I have some questions:
How many of them were made?

How valuable is it? I have the original, locking, hardshell case with key, the catalogue that it came out in, and it has a sticker on the cover for the control wiring that says: Adjusted at SLM Guitar Shop by:(technician's signature)

The only defects are a small indention through the finish on the back, topside of the neck above 3rd fret, and the finish has cracked slightly on the front around the outline of the recessed hole in back. Where can I have it repaired and still maintain it's value? I absolutely LOVE this guitar, and I would love to have it restored back to perfect condition, but the blemishes are only cosmetic, and I might be better off to leave them alone.

Please help if you can, thank you

P.S. Thank you for your reply in the other forum Martin. I'll figure this out eventually Pantera Deluxe x350MA Fresse
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Registration date : 2010-02-11

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Pantera Deluxe x350MA Empty Re: Pantera Deluxe x350MA

Post by colt933 Fri Feb 12, 2010 5:19 pm

prosonic wrote:How many of them were made?

Not many at all! Even less than the X-390 guitars and they're pretty rare. These guitars were $1000-1400 retail back in 1986-87. You could buy a LP Studio for about $499 back then.

prosonic wrote:How valuable is it?

Difficult to quantify. Some here will under state the value. But considering condition, originality, and desirability, the value could be from $500 to 1000.

prosonic wrote:hardshell case with key

WOW - never seen one that came with the key!!!

prosonic wrote:Where can I have it repaired and still maintain it's value? I
absolutely LOVE this guitar, and I would love to have it restored back
to perfect condition, but the blemishes are only cosmetic, and I might
be better off to leave them alone.

If there are scratches/cracks in the finish, then it isn't really feasible to repair them without stripping and refinishing the guitar - and I would NOT do that.

So my recommendation is that you leave it alone, enjoy it the way it is, and then contact me when you are ready to sell!!!!!!!!!
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Pantera Deluxe x350MA Empty Re: Pantera Deluxe x350MA

Post by Barry Fri Feb 12, 2010 6:27 pm

According to the man who designed them, Tom Presley:
I do know that we made 96 of the 390 class Pantera models in various
colors. There were only about 48 of the curly maple ones made world
wide, and only a "few" with the Bendmaster. Most maples were made
without trem and others with the Kahler.
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"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Pantera Deluxe x350MA Guitar10
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Pantera Deluxe x350MA Empty thanks colt

Post by prosonic Fri Feb 12, 2010 11:21 pm

Thanks colt. I don't forsee myself selling it anytime in the near future, but you'll be the first to know if I do. It is one majorly awesome guitar, and I only pull it out to play at home or on studio work. I played it onstage for a while, but too much crazy stuff can happen out there. It's a hard tail with the quick-change string slots. It's in awesome condition. Only thing I may have to fix is the input jack. It's working now, but the last time I had it out, it would only work with the cord in a certain position. Might have been the cord, but I tried several with the same result, so I seriously doubt it. Thanks for the answer and the advice.
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Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2010-02-11

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