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Westone Thunder I, II, III (UK)

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Westone Thunder I, II, III (UK) Empty Westone Thunder I, II, III (UK)

Post by duncancurrie88 Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:41 pm


I am really keen on picking up a Westone Thunder I, I have been keeping an eye on ebay but no joy yet. If anyone has one for sale I would appreciate it if you get in touch with me either on this forum or email me at

I would also consider Thunder IA's, II's and possibly even III's.


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Westone Thunder I, II, III (UK) Empty Re: Westone Thunder I, II, III (UK)

Post by grogg Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:10 pm

Just be patient, plenty come up on e-bay.You can have mine for 3 squillion trillion.
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Westone Thunder I, II, III (UK) Empty wtd , thunder 1a guitar or bass

Post by beefystrat Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:19 am

wrong place Westone Thunder I, II, III (UK) Icon_rolleyes
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Westone Thunder I, II, III (UK) Empty Re: Westone Thunder I, II, III (UK)

Post by boutjp97 Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:31 pm

What is your location? There are several on eBay US.

Thunder I Bass

Thunder IA Bass

I take it you're not in the US. Both have reasonable prices ($300 - $400 range), you may want to contact seller for international shipping rates. Hope that helps.
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Westone Thunder I, II, III (UK) Empty Re: Westone Thunder I, II, III (UK)

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