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1985 Spectrum DX (ebay UK)

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1985 Spectrum DX (ebay UK) Empty 1985 Spectrum DX (ebay UK)

Post by DuoFuzz Mon Nov 30, 2009 8:53 pm

I just tripped over this one on my daily (hourly!) Westone search - Westone Spectrum DX Made in Japan

Price £119.99 'Buy It Now'

Still in it's original finish that was officially known as.....hmmm.....Red, just Red? oh well!

Anywhoo, it sports the normal level of wear you would expect on a 24 year old guitar, and for once everything is still on this one. The knobs, pickups and more importantly the trem arm, fine tuners and the locking nut assembly have all survived intact.

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Registration date : 2009-05-18

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