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Strange Locking Nut - Westone ?

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locking - Strange Locking Nut - Westone ? Empty Strange Locking Nut - Westone ?

Post by okaspar Thu May 29, 2008 4:00 pm

Hello troops,

I stumbled about a guy who knew someone who´s neighbour once heard of somebody who had a guitar shop which he supposedly closed 15 years ago and now they found some of his stuff to sell. Now it comes : The tale tells he was an authorised Westone dealer. So far so good. I pocketed a set of Westone branded guitar tuners, a set of bass tuners (what the heck, I WILL use them somewhere, somehow, sometime Very Happy ), 5 of this very nice black knobs, and a Bendmaster Trem (Not a deluxe, dammit, but better than nothing). OK, this should be enough proof the clue is hot. When I received the stuff the guy sent a freebie, which he also thinks is Westone. A Locking nut. Here it is :

locking - Strange Locking Nut - Westone ?

No markings anywhere and look at the strange design. 6 screws, one for each string. NEVER seen such a thing before.

Just in case you wonder, it´s this knobs here :

locking - Strange Locking Nut - Westone ?

He also had pups for bass and guitar, but the guitar ones were unbranded, so I didn´t take them. Mine all say MMK on the back, but it could be that they are from later Westones. Take a look :

locking - Strange Locking Nut - Westone ? locking - Strange Locking Nut - Westone ?

They are splittable, OK, but not branded. He wanted 30,-- per Pickup.

Regrettably there were no complete instruments or something and a lot of stuff noboby wants
(Gibson, Fender, such crap Twisted Evil )

What do you think, is this a Westone part or not ?

(Long story for one question, I know!)


Oliver !
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 23
Age : 53
Location : Duisburg, Germany
Registration date : 2008-04-08

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locking - Strange Locking Nut - Westone ? Empty Re: Strange Locking Nut - Westone ?

Post by corsair Thu May 29, 2008 4:07 pm

G'day Oliver - could it be for the TRS101 trem, perhaps? That's the only locking type nut I haven't seen close -up... If not, I am at a loss! Hey, can I buy 3 of those knobs off you!!?? Very Happy
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Location : Mount Hunter, NSW, Australia
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locking - Strange Locking Nut - Westone ? Empty Re: Strange Locking Nut - Westone ?

Post by Guest Thu May 29, 2008 4:22 pm

Cool story Oliver, good to see you again mate! Very Happy

Oh, if it's not a rude question; how many of those knobs have you got?
Wink Do you have enough to part with some please? Wink

I haven't seen one of those types of locking nuts either; it's not on any of my guitars!

:flower: :queen:

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locking - Strange Locking Nut - Westone ? Empty Re: Strange Locking Nut - Westone ?

Post by corsair Thu May 29, 2008 4:27 pm

Pollyanna wrote:how many of those knobs have you got? </font>Wink <font color="indigo">Do you have enough to part with some please?

..hey, I asked first!!! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy that trem isn't the TRS101 locknut?
Senior Member

Number of posts : 6354
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Location : Mount Hunter, NSW, Australia
Registration date : 2008-04-08

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locking - Strange Locking Nut - Westone ? Empty Re: Strange Locking Nut - Westone ?

Post by Guest Thu May 29, 2008 6:50 pm

corsair wrote:

..hey, I asked first!!! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy that trem isn't the TRS101 locknut?

Yeah, but I live closer!!!!
lol! lol!

No My Clipper with the TRS101 hasn't got that type of nut either!!!! No

:flower: :queen:

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locking - Strange Locking Nut - Westone ? Empty Re: Strange Locking Nut - Westone ?

Post by okaspar Sun Jun 08, 2008 10:29 am

So, back again, I was on a trip the whole week and posting on this forum on a Blackberry is no fun at all ! Very Happy
About the knobs I am sorry, but I need 3 of them for my Pantera X 390 Project and 2 are on the Tele. What I would part with is a brand new TekGlide II Trem complete with washers. It looks like this : If anyone can put it to a use, contact me.
So long, greets !

Oliver !

locking - Strange Locking Nut - Westone ? locking - Strange Locking Nut - Westone ? locking - Strange Locking Nut - Westone ?
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 23
Age : 53
Location : Duisburg, Germany
Registration date : 2008-04-08

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