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*scratches head* what the blinkin' heck are these?

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*scratches head* what the blinkin' heck are these? Empty *scratches head* what the blinkin' heck are these?

Post by EastCoastWestie Fri Oct 09, 2009 3:02 am

So thanks to the NZ version of Ebay, I'm the proud new owner of two westone basses (my first at that I might add)

Anyway, the first one is a Spectrum ST and its pretty damn cool - my kind of bass. I'm now instantly hooked on Westone basses and am gobbling up Google trying to find out all and anything about them.

The second, as far as I can tell is a Spectrum LX - I think. The monkey who owned it before me has stripped it completely, given it a pretty, um, "interesting" new paint job and then walked away from it. So now I got this jigsaw to put back together but without the picture on the front of the box to work from.

Clue one - its an active bass
Clue two - its got two battery snaps
Clue three - three pots, two three-way switches, one two-way switches.
Clue four - two pickups, that I'm guessing are magnabass, but no clue if they are I II or III

*scratches head* what the blinkin' heck are these? Pups-f11

*scratches head* what the blinkin' heck are these? Pups_b10

So anyway, my real puzzle at the moment is - what type of pickups are these? And if anyone is able to help with ID'ing this John Doe bass I'd be super grateful.

Cheers all! And thanks in advance for any info you might be able to throw my way Smile

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Age : 46
Location : Havelock North, New Zealand
Registration date : 2009-10-04

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*scratches head* what the blinkin' heck are these? Empty Re: *scratches head* what the blinkin' heck are these?

Post by corsair Fri Oct 09, 2009 6:29 am

Well. hiya Jen - I'm in Gisborne and have had to leave my beloved Westones behind when we shifted up here; I have a Spectrum GT so am well acquainted with the Spectrum basses!
You'd better let us have a decent look at it, chook... we promise not to laugh too much! The LX were a two neck affair, originally having a fretted and fretless neck included;

I'd love one that has both but both the ones I've seen recently on the TM have not been complete, unfortunately.
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