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Clipper Series CL4112 (UK)

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Clipper Series CL4112 (UK) Empty Clipper Series CL4112 (UK)

Post by DuoFuzz Thu Oct 08, 2009 11:28 am

A new one to me, THIS is a Korean made Westone Clipper. 99p starting bid

It looks to be in good condition although the trem arm is missing and the bridge pickup has swapped for a Seymour Duncan.

Rare original headstock dust is thrown in for free!

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Number of posts : 640
Age : 47
Location : Newcastle Upon Tyne, U.K.
Registration date : 2009-05-18

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Clipper Series CL4112 (UK) Empty Re: Clipper Series CL4112 (UK)

Post by corsair Thu Oct 08, 2009 3:17 pm

I've got 2 and like 'em lots! They are a 'sort-of ' super tele, and have that bee-yoo-ti-ful Westone neck - fast fast fast...

Clipper Series CL4112 (UK) DSCN6635

There are possibly 2 versions of this; this one with the TRS101 bridge which is Korean and ones equipped with a Bendmaster Deluxe bridge which may be Matsumoku-built like mine. There is otherwise no difference between them but be aware that they have a irritating pick-up selector set up - mini switches for each p'up to turn 'em on or off! That said, they are fine players and that SD in the bridge possie is an improvement on the original.... as long as it is coil split! (For that Tele bridge twang!!)
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Clipper Series CL4112 (UK) Empty Re: Clipper Series CL4112 (UK)

Post by DuoFuzz Thu Oct 08, 2009 3:58 pm

I've got an Aria Libra Standard (a late 80's/ early 90's super strat thing) with the same switch arrangement and I'm forever getting lost on it

God knows how Brian May plays live with SIX slide switches, then again he is a smart arse!

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Location : Newcastle Upon Tyne, U.K.
Registration date : 2009-05-18

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Clipper Series CL4112 (UK) Empty Re: Clipper Series CL4112 (UK)

Post by Barry Thu Oct 08, 2009 6:54 pm

DuoFuzz wrote:...God knows how Brian May plays live with SIX slide switches, then again he is a smart arse!...
That's DOCTOR smart arse to you. He's apparently a Ph.D. in physics or something. clown

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Clipper Series CL4112 (UK) Guitar10
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Clipper Series CL4112 (UK) Empty Re: Clipper Series CL4112 (UK)

Post by DuoFuzz Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:24 pm

Yeah, apparently he likes looking at the stars. I see them all the time, but I'm not looking for them Clipper Series CL4112 (UK) Icon_lol .

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Number of posts : 640
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Location : Newcastle Upon Tyne, U.K.
Registration date : 2009-05-18

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Clipper Series CL4112 (UK) Empty Re: Clipper Series CL4112 (UK)

Post by DuoFuzz Thu Oct 15, 2009 3:35 pm

This one got snapped up for £76! Good price me thinks Clipper Series CL4112 (UK) Icon_cool

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Location : Newcastle Upon Tyne, U.K.
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Clipper Series CL4112 (UK) Empty Re: Clipper Series CL4112 (UK)

Post by north-west-one Tue Oct 20, 2009 6:26 pm

I was lucky enough to win the bid for this. The seller was excellent with good communications and probably the best packaging I have experienced when buying through ebay.
The guitar is in great condition and the replacement SD pu works a treat. Sounds very tele like. The guitar is a bit nose heavy but its tolerable.
This is my 12th Westone and the first one not made in Japan but the build quality is on par with my other MIJ models. My son has quickly adopted it and it has now has been christened with some metal tunes and whammy bar acrobatics.
Any one out there got their own experiences with this guitar?
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 47
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Clipper Series CL4112 (UK) Empty Re: Clipper Series CL4112 (UK)

Post by corsair Tue Oct 20, 2009 7:36 pm

north-west-one wrote:Any one out there got their own experiences with this guitar?

Ahhh.... yes - I have 2 of the Bendmaster equipped ones...! Clipper Series CL4112 (UK) Icon_biggrin Only gigged one a couple of times as I prefered my guitar of 25+ years when push came to shove, but I certainly liked what the Clipper was capable of but I'm not real keen on the pick up selector arrangement and found it confusing in the rush of a stage environment. And truth be told, the p'ups are a little on the quiet side; onstage mine needed gobs of overdrive before it really sang...
You'll find that the neck is an absolute belter and set up right, they play like butter; getting them set up if you're not used to a floating trem can be a touch infuriating but quite do-able if you're patient! At least with the TRS bridge you have intonation screws; the BD don't, and intonating them after a string guage change certainly tests one's patience!!
I'm assuming the string locks were complete; don't lose those little buggers, eh, and don't overtighten the wee bolts - you'll strip the thread on the alloy baseplate and that's a whole new world of hurt!! Clipper Series CL4112 (UK) Fresse Clipper Series CL4112 (UK) Icon_lol
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Location : Mount Hunter, NSW, Australia
Registration date : 2008-04-08

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Clipper Series CL4112 (UK) Empty Re: Clipper Series CL4112 (UK)

Post by Warrn Wed Oct 21, 2009 2:16 am

Corsair, why do you have two of them, again? Clipper Series CL4112 (UK) Icon_lol

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Clipper Series CL4112 (UK) Empty Re: Clipper Series CL4112 (UK)

Post by corsair Wed Oct 21, 2009 6:37 am

Rational explanation - a friend of mine asked me to bid on it because it looked good and they liked it, but hard times intervened and I decided that I'd have it anyway!!

Real explanation - I'm a greedy pig.... Clipper Series CL4112 (UK) Icon_lol

They do have a wonderful neck, though.....
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Number of posts : 6352
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Location : Mount Hunter, NSW, Australia
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Clipper Series CL4112 (UK) Empty Re: Clipper Series CL4112 (UK)

Post by Warrn Wed Oct 21, 2009 1:29 pm

Considering they're identical, is there any way I might talk you out of one when you're on my side of the world? Clipper Series CL4112 (UK) Icon_lol

Number of posts : 1133
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Location : Gainesville, FL
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Clipper Series CL4112 (UK) Empty Re: Clipper Series CL4112 (UK)

Post by corsair Wed Oct 21, 2009 5:00 pm

Ha! Yes, they are exactly identical and one may go on the auction sites once we get settled but I'll give the team in here first refusal. Fair enough?
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Clipper Series CL4112 (UK) Empty Re: Clipper Series CL4112 (UK)

Post by Warrn Wed Oct 21, 2009 5:16 pm

Fair enough indeed. You just happen to have the color I want is why I asked.

Number of posts : 1133
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Clipper Series CL4112 (UK) Empty Re: Clipper Series CL4112 (UK)

Post by grogg Wed Oct 21, 2009 7:00 pm

We are in a world where colours dominate our lives, from reading signs on the road to seeing if fruit is ripe to eat. It affects our moods - blue is calming - red can make us tense.
We use and experience colours everyday in our lives without even appreciating it.

Colour is simply light of different wavelengths and frequencies and light is just one form of energy that we can actually see that is made up from photons.

So there, its got a u in it!
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Clipper Series CL4112 (UK) Empty Re: Clipper Series CL4112 (UK)

Post by corsair Wed Oct 21, 2009 8:37 pm

Thanks for that, grogg!! I like blue 'cause it looks cool!!! Clipper Series CL4112 (UK) Icon_lol Right-o Warrn; I'll keep thee in mind; it'll probably be in about February/march, should it happen...
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Registration date : 2008-04-08

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