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Prestige 150 pot shaft length

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Prestige 150 pot shaft length Empty Prestige 150 pot shaft length

Post by linuspickle Thu Aug 01, 2024 12:25 pm

I have a friend who is coming from out of town this weekend with his Prestige 150 to work on a coil split mod. He'd like to do that with a push-pull tone pot, and I've found one here in town but I'm concerned that the shaft length will be too short - the threaded part of the shaft is only 1/4" long, which seems like it will be too short for a rear-routed instrument. However I've not been able to confirm how long of a shaft we will actually need. Does anyone know how long the tone pot shafts are or need to be for this guitar?

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2024-08-01

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Prestige 150 pot shaft length Empty Re: Prestige 150 pot shaft length

Post by gittarasaurus Thu Aug 01, 2024 2:45 pm

has the Prestige 150 been previously modified?
Prestige 150 pot shaft length 00-h4rYz82ScDKmXss5jj8Qgc6phI1Pj6QvbkXh9nuQH-48J3IgM1p1dnMNJSKCd2NUV7ntXQOewWgszVPDOQPWWw?cn=THISLIFE&res=large&ts=1722537317
this is an example of the original pots used

original steup for these guitars has the innovative PEQ wiring, which changes the humbucker from series to parallel output for the two coils.

so, not really the same as a coil split.

if the guitar still has the PEQ pots but you still want to modify it, i would recommend that you keep the parts, because they are custom made and nobody makes anything like it today.
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Prestige 150 pot shaft length Empty Re: Prestige 150 pot shaft length

Post by linuspickle Thu Aug 01, 2024 5:14 pm

Yes, it has been modified - the pickups at least are different and it looks like there is at least one pot that's different from the others, based on the photos I was sent. However, if the pots I replace do look like this I'll be sure to save them in case he ever wants it.

Thanks for the photo. As I suspected the shaft length is longer than the 1/4" that the one I found has. I have a lead on another one available locally, hopefully that one has a longer shaft or else I'm going to have to get creative.

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2024-08-01

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