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New guitar (case) day

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New guitar (case) day Empty New guitar (case) day

Post by psafloyd Thu Dec 21, 2023 10:09 am

I came across a Westone case on Facebook Marketplace a couple of weeks back being sold at a price I felt confident taking a punt on. 

It was a black vinyl case, with second series logo, advertised as 3/4 size. Now, as I do not know of any 3/4 sized Westones, I asked for internal dimensions and they were very close to a normal case. 

I thought if the worst came to the worst, it may only be suitable for a 24" Concord I and I could hold on to it or move it on here to someone in need of a case. 

Anyway, it was slightly short for a Paduak I, so I thought I'd try it on my Thunder I and Concord II. Anyway, it turns out it is a perfect fit for the Thunder, so the Concord probably won't fit, either.   

This case is not like the earlier black or brown cases I have seen (or own), but is definitely slightly smaller. It also isn't the brown dust cover that used to come with the Thunders, etc, when new. 

Does anyone know anything about them? Thanks in anticipation. 

A few pics can be found here:



Westone Nut

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Location : London
Registration date : 2016-06-07

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