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Lightweight tuners - a worthwhile upgrade?

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Lightweight tuners - a worthwhile upgrade? Empty Lightweight tuners - a worthwhile upgrade?

Post by Spindrift Tue Apr 11, 2023 4:17 pm

When I first picked up what is now my Thunder Jet bass, it seemed impossibly neck-heavy. Gradually I've adjusted, to the point where I can now happily play it for a long time while standing. I'd be happier still, though, if I could shift the balance towards the body, if only a little.

To that end, I'm tempted to replace the tuners with a set of Gotoh's Res-O-Lites (generally agreed to be the lightest bass tuners on the market). I realise the weight saved isn't going to amount to much - but perhaps, with something as subtle as instrument balance, it doesn't need to?

What do we think - anyone tried something similar? Worth doing, or likely to be a poor ROI for nearly £100? After all, with that kind of money I could have five minutes of heating instead!
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