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Where to obtain Thunder rear string retainer bar?

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Where to obtain Thunder rear string retainer bar? Empty Where to obtain Thunder rear string retainer bar?

Post by 1point5 Mon Dec 19, 2022 5:58 pm

I'm not sure what they're called sorry, but the metal bar which the strings thread through as seen here:

Where to obtain Thunder rear string retainer bar? XcE6wUe

Would anyone know of something available which will fit there? The proprietary original hardware is impossible to find Sad
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 69
Registration date : 2022-11-14

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Where to obtain Thunder rear string retainer bar? Empty Re: Where to obtain Thunder rear string retainer bar?

Post by BQmusic Wed Jan 18, 2023 4:29 pm

I am afraid the only way is to get one custom made.
But really, anyone with a pair of right hands, a drill press and a belt sander table can do so from a strip of brass.
Westone Nut

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Where to obtain Thunder rear string retainer bar? Empty Re: Where to obtain Thunder rear string retainer bar?

Post by Barry Wed Jan 18, 2023 11:20 pm

I don't think I've ever seen a request for this particular part before.
It's an odd one and I'm wondering how on earth it went missing?! confused
String locks, truss rod covers and whammy bars, yes. But a string ferrule tone block? Nope.

Unfortunately I don't have any specific information on this part but I do have a Thunder so I know what you're looking for.

I cannot say without measuring mine if it's based on any standard or is a proprietary design. My guess would be the latter and you will not likely find a "drop in" part.

If you haven't done it already, check eBay to see what's available: LINK

The only alternative suggestion I have involves plugging the hole and drilling for individual ferrule inserts like you find on a Telecaster for example. Not ideal, and you lose the tone block benefit, but at least you're up and playing.

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Where to obtain Thunder rear string retainer bar? Guitar10
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