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dimension IV template

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dimension - dimension IV template Empty dimension IV template

Post by slayer2469 Fri Mar 11, 2022 4:32 pm

Hi guys 

my name is mike , Im new to the forum but was a westone fan
 since heard the wide range of sounds built into the guitar

my friend got a dimension in late 80's as a beginners axe
i love the dynasty as well but the dimension is a better "couch" guitar

does anyone make a template for making my own dimension ?
and or a dynasty

i cant seem to find anything 

or would one of you guys be willing to tape 4 pieces of paper together and trace yours and mail it to me ?

any , either or would be awesome

ive been trying to buy a dimension for decades but either time money or terrible condition for the price has held me up

Im just going to build one or 5 ,...i dunno we will see how i goes

thanks for your help


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Location : KY
Registration date : 2022-03-01

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