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Westone Quantum Restoration

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westone - Westone Quantum Restoration  Empty Westone Quantum Restoration

Post by Toneisland85 Mon May 18, 2020 10:39 am

OK so I think I was in the wrong thread earlier so here goes....

Hi all I was wondering if you lovely people could provide some advice please. I am about to start my first ever restoration job on this incredible Westone Quantum that was made in 84 (or 82 im unsure) in the Matsumoku factory in Japan. I don't intend to do any cosmetic work to it because I love how it looks but I have a couple of issues sourcing parts that I thought some of you lovely people might be able to help with.

When I got it it had been left in a skip in parts which is just sacrilegious if I'm honest.

Problem 1

The guitar has a single action truss at the heel which has the nut missing (the thread is imperial🤬). This has caused a backbow over the years so I was wondering if this would be easy enough to replace with a dual action truss to help remove the backbow?

Problem 2

2 of the saddles are missing on the bridge and I cannot seem to find the right size anywhere! Does anyone have any experience with these kind of saddles?

I'm also looking for a backplate for it as the original is missing Sad

Any advice would be really appreciated as I'd love to bring this beauty back to life! Thanks in advance Smilewestone - Westone Quantum Restoration  20200519
westone - Westone Quantum Restoration  20200520
westone - Westone Quantum Restoration  20200521westone - Westone Quantum Restoration  20200522

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2020-05-18

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westone - Westone Quantum Restoration  Empty Re: Westone Quantum Restoration

Post by Westbone Wed May 20, 2020 4:17 am

Surprised the truss rod nut is imperial. All Westone gear is metric.

Maybe the rod has been changed??
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Registration date : 2008-12-28

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westone - Westone Quantum Restoration  Empty Re: Westone Quantum Restoration

Post by Toneisland85 Wed May 20, 2020 4:23 am

It's not haha I did some measurements yesterday and it turns it it's M6. I am however struggling to find the right M6 bullet replacement :/

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2020-05-18

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westone - Westone Quantum Restoration  Empty Re: Westone Quantum Restoration

Post by Westbone Wed May 20, 2020 6:37 am

Just buy a replacement truss rod. Cheap as chips.

Or tap out a 5mm nut.
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Number of posts : 5918
Location : Redbridge
Registration date : 2008-12-28

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westone - Westone Quantum Restoration  Empty Re: Westone Quantum Restoration

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