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Westone Quantum X850 Bass (Ebay UK)

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Westone Quantum X850 Bass (Ebay UK) Empty Westone Quantum X850 Bass (Ebay UK)

Post by untune Sun Mar 07, 2010 8:14 pm

Hi all, just thought I'd bring this to your attention, seems quite unusual/rare

Westone Nut

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Westone Quantum X850 Bass (Ebay UK) Empty Re: Westone Quantum X850 Bass (Ebay UK)

Post by corsair Mon Mar 08, 2010 12:22 am

You've gotta wonder if the red is not just under there waiting to be released, eh!! It's nice and complete, too; oddly there's been a couple of these come up on NZ's Trademe relatively recently..............
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Westone Quantum X850 Bass (Ebay UK) Empty Re: Westone Quantum X850 Bass (Ebay UK)

Post by Warrn Mon Mar 08, 2010 12:51 am

The red fretboard markers are NOT a giveaway, the lack of a Quantum logo is. They all had red dots. Wonder where they got that idea. Regardless, if they wanted a black one they should have just bought one. Red is less common!

...well, unless you're from New Zealand, they seem to have all the red and white ones.

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Westone Quantum X850 Bass (Ebay UK) Empty Re: Westone Quantum X850 Bass (Ebay UK)

Post by Barry Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:46 am

Warrn wrote:The red fretboard markers are NOT a giveaway...Red is less common!...
You can see two spots on the top and bottom edge where the red is showing through. (6th pic down) Why a shame to blast it all with black paint.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Westone Quantum X850 Bass (Ebay UK) Guitar10
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