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Restoring a Prestige 250....... pickup covers/machine heads - what are they are made of ?

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Restoring a Prestige 250....... pickup covers/machine heads - what are they are made of ? Empty Restoring a Prestige 250....... pickup covers/machine heads - what are they are made of ?

Post by 99figaro Thu Sep 03, 2009 1:51 pm

Having removed what was left of the original gold plate I cant get fresh gold plate to take on the pickup covers and machine heads
(bridge and tailpiece worked beautifully and now look mint / aged rather than too shiny new so very happy with these).

I think I need to nickel plate first but if anyone knows what they are made of it would help.

Thought it might be brass but looks like some sort of silver coloured alloy and not sure if nickel will take, although suspect thats what they used originally ?

Also does anyone know if they clear lacquered over the gold originally ? (looks like it).

Thanks All
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Restoring a Prestige 250....... pickup covers/machine heads - what are they are made of ? Empty Re: Restoring a Prestige 250....... pickup covers/machine heads - what are they are made of ?

Post by corsair Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:31 pm

I don't know; my Vantage VA900 has gold plated hardware too which has in the 29 years to now become worn down and faded but I'm happy to leave it as is becasue I've had from new and put all of the wear onto it!! A bit of mojo, you understand!! Very Happy
The back plates though while gold coloured are aluminium.

Are you electroplating the hardware yourself?
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Restoring a Prestige 250....... pickup covers/machine heads - what are they are made of ? Empty Re: Restoring a Prestige 250....... pickup covers/machine heads - what are they are made of ?

Post by 99figaro Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:50 pm

corsair wrote:I don't know; my Vantage VA900 has gold plated hardware too which has in the 29 years to now become worn down and faded but I'm happy to leave it as is becasue I've had from new and put all of the wear onto it!! A bit of mojo, you understand!! Very Happy
The back plates though while gold coloured are aluminium.

Are you electroplating the hardware yourself?

I have done it myself so far but planning to take the pickup covers to a professional (!)

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Restoring a Prestige 250....... pickup covers/machine heads - what are they are made of ? Empty Re: Restoring a Prestige 250....... pickup covers/machine heads - what are they are made of ?

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