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Wanted: Rail/Quantum gig bag

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Wanted: Rail/Quantum gig bag Empty Wanted: Rail/Quantum gig bag

Post by NeilH Sat Nov 23, 2019 10:10 pm

I just bought a Rail bass that is missing it's gig bag. I'll get an aftermarket headless bass bag for the short term, but I really want the OE bag for it. The aftermarket one won't go to waste, since my Cort needs a proper bag (it's parked in a junior-sized guitar bag at the moment).
Of course I saw several for sale a few months ago, but my Rail-to-gig-bag ratio was a good 1:1 then.

Westone Nut

Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2019-05-18

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Wanted: Rail/Quantum gig bag Empty Re: Wanted: Rail/Quantum gig bag

Post by Westbone Sun Nov 24, 2019 3:02 am

Have a few of these. Good quality. 
The original bags are seriously scare and not all that regards protection.
Good luck finding one.
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Wanted: Rail/Quantum gig bag Empty Re: Wanted: Rail/Quantum gig bag

Post by NeilH Sun Nov 24, 2019 3:33 am

Westbone wrote:Have a few of these. Good quality. 
The original bags are seriously scare and not all that regards protection.
Good luck finding one.

They're plenty durable for sitting around my house.  I figured that since there were two basses that came with them I'd have a decent chance.
I'm a huge fan of the Rail bass. I've had a white one for 30 years and a black one for about 6 months. You can guess what color my third one is. I'm currently building a Rail guitar from scratch. That will be painted the shade of blue that SLM used on the guitars of the era.

Westone Nut

Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2019-05-18

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Wanted: Rail/Quantum gig bag Empty Re: Wanted: Rail/Quantum gig bag

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