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anyone know the neck heel specs of westone spectrum ST bass? (what can I replace the neck with?)

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anyone know the neck heel specs of westone spectrum ST bass? (what can I replace the neck with?) Empty anyone know the neck heel specs of westone spectrum ST bass? (what can I replace the neck with?)

Post by stuyvo Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:38 am

a few posts down are the photos of my westone, I haven't worried too much about it as iv got a ESP custom shop bass aswel and have used that alot at band rehersals, I was quoted $500 to have the neck fixxed so that idea is out.

but what can I replace the standard neck with? does anyone know the measurements; if its close to fender spec I might just get P-bass neck off ebay or something like that and wait for another genuine neck to come up.
Westone Nut

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Registration date : 2008-08-03

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anyone know the neck heel specs of westone spectrum ST bass? (what can I replace the neck with?) Empty Re: anyone know the neck heel specs of westone spectrum ST bass? (what can I replace the neck with?)

Post by corsair Sun Aug 09, 2009 3:31 pm

I would have thought any of the Spectrum bolt ons would do the trick, and don't forget the Electra Phoenix range as well; Westone's long lost cousin - there are necks turning up every now and again on the auction sites.
Sorry, can't help with measurements; my GT is 1000 miles away! Crying or Very sad
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