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Corsair XA1430 - The three switces (and knobs)

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Corsair XA1430 - The three switces (and knobs) Empty Corsair XA1430 - The three switces (and knobs)

Post by gitree Tue Mar 14, 2017 11:35 pm

I haven't been playing anything for a long time and decided to start up again and got the Westone out.  I don't have a manual for it and so I realized that I never really knew for sure what's what.  It seems that the single coil pickups are ok but it appears the humbucker has gone bad.

Anyway, for the switches it's:
1 - on-off for neck
2 - on-off for middle
3 - One of the positions is for single coil operation?

One of the tone knobs (which?) is called Mid/Shape (from one of the scans on the site).  Is there an explanation anywhere on what they were going for with that?

Sorry for question dumping right out of the gate.  I'm pretty excited about this though so any help is certainly appreciated.


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2017-03-14

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Corsair XA1430 - The three switces (and knobs) Empty Re: Corsair XA1430 - The three switces (and knobs)

Post by corsair Wed Mar 15, 2017 9:09 am

OK.... welcome here, and to your questions...

The switches are, as you say, on/off for the s/coils and also, the bridge switch - if it's the same as I've got on a Spectrum Ii and a Clipper 4112 - off/1 coil/both coils. The bridge pickups in my named examples aren't true humbuckers, but are 2 s/cs nailed together...

Has yours got a super flat, fast oiled neck??
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Corsair XA1430 - The three switces (and knobs) Empty Re: Corsair XA1430 - The three switces (and knobs)

Post by gitree Wed Mar 15, 2017 4:26 pm

That's interesting on the two s/coils nailed together and might be the case here.  At some point soon I guess I'll have to tear into it and figure out the wiring anyway.  Or pay someone else to do it.

On the neck, probably?  It is certainly a low radius neck and it has the appearance of being unfinished.

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2017-03-14

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