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WTB - bridge cover/faceplate with Westone Logo on it for a Super Headless bass

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bridge - WTB - bridge cover/faceplate with Westone Logo on it for a Super Headless bass Empty WTB - bridge cover/faceplate with Westone Logo on it for a Super Headless bass

Post by DanTM Mon Oct 17, 2016 3:57 am

Hello everybody !

I know someone who owns a Westone Super Headless bass. This bass is missing the cover/faceplate on the bridge that has the Westone Logo printed on.

Does anybody know where I can get this cover/faceplate ?

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bridge - WTB - bridge cover/faceplate with Westone Logo on it for a Super Headless bass Empty Re: WTB - bridge cover/faceplate with Westone Logo on it for a Super Headless bass

Post by Westbone Mon Oct 17, 2016 5:13 am

More than likely have to make one. Easy enough.
Never seen one for sale anywhere..Evil or Very Mad
If you need the dims. I'll send 'em to ya.
bridge - WTB - bridge cover/faceplate with Westone Logo on it for a Super Headless bass DSCF7928_zpssjnp4msx
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bridge - WTB - bridge cover/faceplate with Westone Logo on it for a Super Headless bass Empty Re: WTB - bridge cover/faceplate with Westone Logo on it for a Super Headless bass

Post by TheRail Sat Apr 28, 2018 9:15 am

Hi, I have the same issue, my "The Rail" bass is missing the bridge cover (black color with white logo, same as on your pics). Did you finally made one? Could you send me the dims? Is a decal of the white Westone logo available (or a template)? Many thanks.

Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2018-04-28

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bridge - WTB - bridge cover/faceplate with Westone Logo on it for a Super Headless bass Empty Re: WTB - bridge cover/faceplate with Westone Logo on it for a Super Headless bass

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