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Spectrum DX - Gumtree - Bradford - £80

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Spectrum DX - Gumtree - Bradford - £80 Empty Spectrum DX - Gumtree - Bradford - £80

Post by xbarnesx Tue Apr 19, 2016 9:21 am

Spectrum DX - Gumtree - Bradford - £80

I've never seen a white spectrum in person, is the black neck normal?  or is this a frankenspectrum?

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Spectrum DX - Gumtree - Bradford - £80 Empty Re: Spectrum DX - Gumtree - Bradford - £80

Post by gittarasaurus Tue Apr 19, 2016 9:37 am

black neck is standard on Spectrum DX
-that one is the later version, with the truss rod adjustment at the nut end
-missing the string lock assembly
-cross-head screws on pole pieces means they are probably the UBC pickups, some folks like 'em, others don't
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