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was somebody here looking for a Peavey Vandenberg?

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was somebody here looking for a Peavey Vandenberg?  Empty was somebody here looking for a Peavey Vandenberg?

Post by gittarasaurus Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:49 pm

stopped by a local swap shop today
saw a white one, much cheaper than red one currently on ebay

starving musician 

there was also a '81 cream colored Washburn Falcon as well..
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was somebody here looking for a Peavey Vandenberg?  Empty Re: was somebody here looking for a Peavey Vandenberg?

Post by hobster Wed Feb 03, 2016 11:30 am

I have a beat up Fernandes Vandenberg trans red neck thru. Probably the coolest 80's metal guitar i have, ebony fretboard.....the works. They were made before the Peaveys if i recall correctly.
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was somebody here looking for a Peavey Vandenberg?  Empty Re: was somebody here looking for a Peavey Vandenberg?

Post by The Chad Wed Feb 03, 2016 1:07 pm

I'm always looking for Vandy's, yes!  That one is nice, a later "V-Type" which isn't an actual Vandy. 

Thanks for the post, let me know when you see them!  

And yes, the Fernandes was pre-Peavey.
The Chad
The Chad
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was somebody here looking for a Peavey Vandenberg?  Empty Re: was somebody here looking for a Peavey Vandenberg?

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