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Thunder III

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Thunder III Empty Thunder III

Post by prayerfox Mon Nov 23, 2015 9:43 pm

Hi folks

This will no doubt have everybody rolling in the isles but here goes.  Does anyone have a tatty Thunder III they would consider selling?  Cosmetics are not important but neck straightness and action are.  Although I have a boost circuit board it would be nice if the electronics vaguely worked - most importantly the original pickups.  As I'm a retired cripple who has a back injury and now a couple of other things wrong, I have limited funds - hence happy to accept physically battered as long as the price is not ludicrous and battered better matches my physical condition. 

The reason I'm looking is, because of the health problems, I'm having dificulty lifting heavy guitars like the maple Thunder II.  I also have stubby little fingers so can make use of the top frets.

Here's in hope,

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Age : 75
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Registration date : 2010-09-26

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