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Thunder 1 Bass bridge

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Thunder 1 Bass bridge Empty Thunder 1 Bass bridge

Post by Obi Wan Russell Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:54 pm

Hello one and all. I have a 1984 vintage Thunder 1 Bass bridge for sale if anyone is interested. It was replaced for cosmetic reasons, but is still fully functional (all the moving parts, grub screws etc still move ok), I was going to put it up on fleabay but thought I'd offer it to this august body first. Not selling it for profit as such, just want it to go to a good home. Don't have a close up but this is the bass it comes from. It's recently had a major overhaul, resprayed cream and now sports a chrome bridge. The J bass pickup was a JHS model which I'm thinking of replacing with something more punchy. Must get round to taking some more pics soon...
Obi Wan Russell
Obi Wan Russell
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Number of posts : 12
Age : 54
Location : Southampton, UK
Registration date : 2009-01-13

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Thunder 1 Bass bridge Empty Re: Thunder 1 Bass bridge

Post by Gast Wed Jul 01, 2009 7:32 pm

PN sent.

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