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Cutlass Prestige on ebay BIN - GBP 389.99

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Cutlass Prestige on ebay BIN - GBP 389.99 Empty Cutlass Prestige on ebay BIN - GBP 389.99

Post by gittarasaurus Tue Jun 16, 2015 12:08 pm

a Sid Poole Westone Cutlass Prestige, 
guitar is in London
will ship
price translates to over $600, plus shipping…

that one truly is a "never see" here in the states
anybody around this forum got one of these?
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Cutlass Prestige on ebay BIN - GBP 389.99 Empty Re: Cutlass Prestige on ebay BIN - GBP 389.99

Post by Meadows Wed Jun 17, 2015 1:10 am

Had one in white for a while, the "Cutlass Classic" which is made from Alder is my main working guitar. Basically the same configuration but lighter on the strap, and a couple of other spec differences.

Seriously good guitar, the neck is very playable and the build quality on these is top shelf, worth checking out if you ever get the chance...

The one on the bay is a very quick flip with £160 up lift in price, here is the original kisting
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Cutlass Prestige on ebay BIN - GBP 389.99 Empty Re: Cutlass Prestige on ebay BIN - GBP 389.99

Post by corsair Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:21 am

There's one on Trademe in NZ as well for $400 NZ; cheap as chips!
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Cutlass Prestige on ebay BIN - GBP 389.99 Empty Re: Cutlass Prestige on ebay BIN - GBP 389.99

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