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PIc guard toggle switches for Electra X640

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PIc guard toggle switches for Electra X640 Empty PIc guard toggle switches for Electra X640

Post by patalonzoconway Wed May 27, 2015 10:30 pm

Looking to restore an Electra X640N.  The pic guard is broken where the input was.  Input jack was moved into one of the toggle holes.  Would like to restore this baby to it's original state.  Also, brass nut has come off, thinking I can superglue it back on?  Thoughts?

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PIc guard toggle switches for Electra X640 Empty Re: PIc guard toggle switches for Electra X640

Post by gittarasaurus Thu May 28, 2015 12:54 am

it is easy to make a new one
guitar fetish has some pickguard material
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PIc guard toggle switches for Electra X640 Empty Re: PIc guard toggle switches for Electra X640

Post by corsair Thu May 28, 2015 8:02 am

You realise that there is a dedicated Electra site, eh....???

... and yeah... making a new scratch guard is a pretty straight forward exercise. You make a pattern by scribing around the broken one onto whatever kind of new material you are going to use - not forgetting to also mark the screw and switchholes and pickup voids - and then carefully cut the new one out. I would drill and form the new holes before cutting the pickguard proper... just so that there is a greater degree of sturdiness in the piece while drilling and shaping!
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PIc guard toggle switches for Electra X640 Empty Re: PIc guard toggle switches for Electra X640

Post by Barry Thu May 28, 2015 10:26 am

Hello Pat.
Normally when installing a plastic/bone nut you would use a few drops of "white glue" to hold it in place for string changes, etc. This does the job without creating a structural bond with the guitar and you can easily knock it out and replace it if needed.

CA (Cyanoacrylate, "crazy glue") and Epoxy create permanent bonds and you are buggered if you need to remove the nut. CA prefers a very smooth surface to bond and might not work depending on how rough the wood is. Epoxy will penetrate the wood fibres and become one with the structure.

As for a Brass nut, you might be fine with a good quality white/carpenters glue, or if you're sure you'll never want to remove it, I'd try Epoxy. It is a bit more forgiving during the installation stage and you'll have a little time to properly seat the nut before it sets. With CA you get one shot at it, and it has to be right!

As a possible alternative you might try Hide Glue. That's commonly used in guitar related repairs and easily releases under heat, so you potentially have the best of both worlds. Whatever you choose, be sure and clean the brass of any residual glue and tarnish.

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