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5 way switch (360 dregrees)

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switch - 5 way switch (360 dregrees) Empty 5 way switch (360 dregrees)

Post by andriq Sun Apr 26, 2015 10:11 am

Hi there

I have this 5 way switch I need to use on a guitar because it is the only one the fits into its switch cavity.
The thing is that I have no idea how to name/number its contacts.

switch - 5 way switch (360 dregrees) <a href=switch - 5 way switch (360 dregrees) Photo_10" />

I am guessing that the  four upper contact pins could be either (seeing them from left to right) B-M-N-C or C-B-M-N  in relation  to a standard fender switch and the inferior ones are designated the left series of letters . But I have no idea how it actually works. I cannot find any information on a similar switch.  

Does anybody knows how to read this?
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switch - 5 way switch (360 dregrees) Empty Re: 5 way switch (360 dregrees)

Post by Barry Sun Apr 26, 2015 7:54 pm

There are a bizillion ways to wire up this type of switch depending on what you need to do. Have a look at the Seymour Duncan site for some typical applications. And google is your friend, have a read through some of the many forums out there dedicated to Strat type projects.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
switch - 5 way switch (360 dregrees) Guitar10
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