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A pair of blue concords

Sgt. Vimes
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A pair of blue concords Empty A pair of blue concords

Post by Sgt. Vimes Wed Mar 19, 2014 4:56 pm



isnt it always the same? as soon as I spend the last of my GAS cash, these turn up.
Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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A pair of blue concords Empty Re: A pair of blue concords

Post by Sgt. Vimes Sat Mar 22, 2014 6:20 am

Happy birthday to meeeeeeee    Twisted Evil
Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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A pair of blue concords Empty Re: A pair of blue concords

Post by Meadows Sat Mar 22, 2014 6:26 am

Hey Pete, Many happy returns  Happy Birthday 

So which one did you go for ??????

or BOTH !!!!!!  Happy Birthday 2
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A pair of blue concords Empty Re: A pair of blue concords

Post by Sgt. Vimes Sat Mar 22, 2014 6:37 am

Thanks man!

Gumtree baby!
should arrive by tuesday....
but today every noise I hear is the delivery guy.....

I should point out it's a prezzie from her indoors Smile
Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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A pair of blue concords Empty Re: A pair of blue concords

Post by kodiakblair Sat Mar 22, 2014 7:10 am

Seeing as I still can't post pics of the Concord Project.

Happy Birthday Sgt.
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A pair of blue concords Empty Re: A pair of blue concords

Post by Sgt. Vimes Sat Mar 22, 2014 7:22 am

Well thank you kindly sir!

you know you can email me the links and I can post them in a new thread, if you wish, just click the envelope under my (lovely) avatar  Smile
Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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A pair of blue concords Empty Re: A pair of blue concords

Post by Westbone Sat Mar 22, 2014 7:23 am

You 'Old Barsteward'  Wink 

It would be blue

Have a good 'en
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A pair of blue concords Empty Re: A pair of blue concords

Post by Sgt. Vimes Sat Mar 22, 2014 7:25 am


not having a blue(nose) concord has always irked me, especially as I DO have a red one!  equilibrium at last!
Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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A pair of blue concords Empty Re: A pair of blue concords

Post by hoax Sat Mar 22, 2014 8:02 am

Have a great birthday, Sarge. I am sure that your good lady will not grudge you a new guitar.

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A pair of blue concords Empty Re: A pair of blue concords

Post by Sgt. Vimes Sat Mar 22, 2014 8:04 am

Thanks Hoax, she can't grudge it if she bought it, can she?
Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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A pair of blue concords Empty Re: A pair of blue concords

Post by hoax Sat Mar 22, 2014 8:45 am

Sgt. Vimes wrote:Thanks Hoax, she can't grudge it if she bought it, can she?

I don't know, Pete. Women can be trickier than a barrel of monkeys!!

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A pair of blue concords Empty Re: A pair of blue concords

Post by Catalyst Sat Mar 22, 2014 10:53 am

happy b'day Sarge  Happy Birthday 3 ...ava gud un!

I had a bid cancelled on ebay recently for a blue conc because the 'item was no longer available'....I assumed the seller had arranged some kind of deal outside of ebay, looks like I assumed right  Laughing
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A pair of blue concords Empty Re: A pair of blue concords

Post by Sgt. Vimes Sat Mar 22, 2014 11:51 am

Damn, I dealt with the guy through gumtree, had no idea it was also on ebay.
just had a look at completed listings to see it there, sorry mate I wouldn't have gone for it had I known anyone here had had a bid, how about I give you first refusal if I ever sell it?  Smile

and thanks for the well wishes  What a Face

Last edited by Sgt. Vimes on Sat Mar 22, 2014 11:58 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : forgotten manners!)
Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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A pair of blue concords Empty Re: A pair of blue concords

Post by Catalyst Sat Mar 22, 2014 12:03 pm

S'no problem at all mate, it was only a half arsed bid anyway so stood no real chance of winning it and even less chance of paying for it if I had won it  Laughing 
My guitar fund tank is running on empty at the moment until that bloody Speccy 2 goes...  Wink
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A pair of blue concords Empty Re: A pair of blue concords

Post by Barry Sat Mar 22, 2014 1:35 pm

All the best Pete!
 Group Beer Drinkers 
And may you never lose yer G string on stage.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
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A pair of blue concords Empty Re: A pair of blue concords

Post by Sgt. Vimes Sat Mar 22, 2014 1:49 pm

drunken  thanks barry!
Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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