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Wanted: Westone X-275 locking nut clamps (and shims if you have them)

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locking - Wanted: Westone X-275 locking nut clamps (and shims if you have them) Empty Wanted: Westone X-275 locking nut clamps (and shims if you have them)

Post by guitsix Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:12 pm

I have a Westone Pantera X-275 that is in need of those uniquely shaped locking nut clamps , bolts and probably shims under the strings.....Thanks any leads or info...
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locking - Wanted: Westone X-275 locking nut clamps (and shims if you have them) Empty Re: Wanted: Westone X-275 locking nut clamps (and shims if you have them)

Post by Sgt. Vimes Wed Dec 18, 2013 9:42 pm

PM sent..
Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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locking - Wanted: Westone X-275 locking nut clamps (and shims if you have them) Empty Re: Wanted: Westone X-275 locking nut clamps (and shims if you have them)

Post by corsair Wed Dec 18, 2013 10:32 pm

You didn't forget about the shims, didja?!  Giggles 
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locking - Wanted: Westone X-275 locking nut clamps (and shims if you have them) Empty Re: Wanted: Westone X-275 locking nut clamps (and shims if you have them)

Post by guitsix Thu Dec 19, 2013 1:36 am

Sgt. Vimes wrote:PM sent..     

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locking - Wanted: Westone X-275 locking nut clamps (and shims if you have them) Empty Re: Wanted: Westone X-275 locking nut clamps (and shims if you have them)

Post by Sgt. Vimes Thu Dec 19, 2013 3:48 am

corsair wrote:You didn't forget about the shims, didja?!  Giggles 

I may be stupid John, but I'm not f*****g stupid!

Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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locking - Wanted: Westone X-275 locking nut clamps (and shims if you have them) Empty Re: Wanted: Westone X-275 locking nut clamps (and shims if you have them)

Post by corsair Thu Dec 19, 2013 4:33 pm

Hee hee hee.....

As a matter of interest, how many clamps do you reckon you've got left?? Has there been any contact with David since the transfer of pieces?
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locking - Wanted: Westone X-275 locking nut clamps (and shims if you have them) Empty Re: Wanted: Westone X-275 locking nut clamps (and shims if you have them)

Post by Sgt. Vimes Thu Dec 19, 2013 9:17 pm

Well at a rough guess I'd say there are about 20-30 sets left, they're down in the shed right now and the rain is horizontal so I'm buggered if I'm going down there tonight to count 'em!

No contact with david since I bought his Quantum bass, I never got his phone number or email and have left a few messages through here but no reply, plus I think his user account has gone "guest" on us, shame really as he has a Hondo electric 12 string he half promised me for sale, hey ho.
Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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locking - Wanted: Westone X-275 locking nut clamps (and shims if you have them) Empty Re: Wanted: Westone X-275 locking nut clamps (and shims if you have them)

Post by phillively Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:09 am

This one is for Sgt. Vimes, or anyone else out there. I appreciate that this thread is two years old, but do you still have sets of replacement shims and clamps and perhaps even the little allen bolts?
I have a lovely used Spectrum DX and they are all missing.

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locking - Wanted: Westone X-275 locking nut clamps (and shims if you have them) Empty Re: Wanted: Westone X-275 locking nut clamps (and shims if you have them)

Post by Sgt. Vimes Fri Nov 27, 2015 4:06 pm

Clamps and bolts yes, shims no,  never had any shims. 
Send me a pm and I'll get some out to you for postage monies Smile
Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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locking - Wanted: Westone X-275 locking nut clamps (and shims if you have them) Empty Re: Wanted: Westone X-275 locking nut clamps (and shims if you have them)

Post by phillively Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:34 am

Thank you heaps!!!
It'll be great to see her back in one piece!
I've PM'd you.  Smile

I'll work out something for the shims.
Are they basically just washers?

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locking - Wanted: Westone X-275 locking nut clamps (and shims if you have them) Empty Re: Wanted: Westone X-275 locking nut clamps (and shims if you have them)

Post by Sgt. Vimes Tue Dec 01, 2015 1:18 pm

If you can get hold of some 1mm sheet steel and some tin snips it shouldn't be too hard to fashion the shims, you can use 2 sets of the clamps but not ideal as the bottom set can lift the strings out of the nut.

Some folk here use that metal crate strapping stuff, easily found round the back of a Halfords or any trading estate.

Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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locking - Wanted: Westone X-275 locking nut clamps (and shims if you have them) Empty Re: Wanted: Westone X-275 locking nut clamps (and shims if you have them)

Post by corsair Sun Dec 06, 2015 12:02 am

Sgt.Vimes wrote:If you can get hold of some 1mm sheet steel and some tin snips it shouldn't be too hard to fashion the shims, you can use 2 sets of the clamps but not ideal as the bottom set can lift the strings out of the nut.

Yep; just drill the holes before you cut the steel. I use a Dremel cutting disk and then smooth with a file these days...
Not too sure that 2 sets of clamp plates would be particularly good news on a Deluxe, though!!

Sgt.Vimes wrote:Some folk here use that metal crate strapping stuff, easily found round the back of a Halfords or any trading estate.
That would be me, and the stuff I use came from a woollen mill where they triple dump the wool bales, hence the strapping is a particularly useful blend of hard yet pliable steel that lends itself to just this purpose.
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locking - Wanted: Westone X-275 locking nut clamps (and shims if you have them) Empty Re: Wanted: Westone X-275 locking nut clamps (and shims if you have them)

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