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Spectrum LX on ebay

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Spectrum LX on ebay Empty Spectrum LX on ebay

Post by The Don Thu Nov 21, 2013 5:17 am

This one looks to be in better shape than the incomplete one that didn't sell

I'd be tempted to go in for it myself but I have decided that it FX or nothing for me in the future (unless of course a third blueburst comes along Very Happy)
The Don
The Don
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Spectrum LX on ebay Empty Re: Spectrum LX on ebay

Post by corsair Thu Nov 21, 2013 6:39 am

The LX is a very goid guitar indeed, I believe it to be only slightly less desirable than the FX, and the seller is correct about the bridge; it should be a Bendmaster FT...

"specifications subject to change" perhaps??!
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Spectrum LX on ebay Empty Re: Spectrum LX on ebay

Post by punkyjam67 Thu Nov 21, 2013 7:04 am

corsair wrote:The LX is a very goid guitar indeed, I believe it to be only slightly less desirable than the FX, and the seller is correct about the bridge; it should be a Bendmaster FT...

"specifications subject to change" perhaps??!
Might this be connected with the announcement in the '86 Pantera catalogue (which would be contemporary with the LX), that says, "The Bendmaster Deluxe will be available replacing the Bendmaster FT shortly" (my emphasis)?
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Spectrum LX on ebay Empty Re: Spectrum LX on ebay

Post by Barry Thu Nov 21, 2013 12:11 pm

Good looking guitar. (Why are they always BLACK?!)

Re: The bridge change, my 1986 SX also has the BD installed. Looks like it may have been "standard" for the last year of Mats production?

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
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