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Never thought I would learn so much...

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Never thought I would learn so much... Empty Never thought I would learn so much...

Post by Stefan 4 Sat Sep 07, 2013 6:23 pm

Hi all. Just come off the back of a great guitar session and thought I'd share some thoughts and lessons.

I now have 5 guitars, each very, very different and fantastic in there own right, I knew they were fantastic guitars and new that I wanted each for the unique sounds however what I didn't realise was how much having these guitars would teach me about how to get the best sound out of a guitar. After years and years of not being very happy with my guitar sound I'm finally beginning to understand how the different woods, pickups and output levels effect the amp and how to adjust the setting to get the best sound for each style of guitar Smile

I could have bought a PRS or Gibson, however I wouldn't have learnt half the skills I now have and would still be stuck in the gain trap.

So if you need an excuse for the Mrs to allow another axe, tell her it will help you understand guitars better Smile
Stefan 4
Stefan 4
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 63
Registration date : 2012-06-12

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Never thought I would learn so much... Empty Re: Never thought I would learn so much...

Post by The Chad Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:01 am

Stefan 4 wrote:So if you need an excuse for the Mrs to allow another axe, tell her it will help you understand guitars better Smile
cheers   Good point, I'll try that.
The Chad
The Chad
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Location : Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Registration date : 2011-02-01

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