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TransRed MX and a nice Alvarez 5021 in Eastern North Carolina

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TransRed MX and a nice Alvarez 5021 in Eastern North Carolina Empty TransRed MX and a nice Alvarez 5021 in Eastern North Carolina

Post by Iceman Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:57 pm

The bridge pup looks to have been swapped out.

A side note about the Alvarez. I found a 5020N over a year ago for my wife as a replacement for her Yamaha FN 595-E which has an ongoing neck separation issue plaguing it. A 5020 is a thinline model of the one in this listing, but there is absolutely nothing thin about the tones it can produce. I would assume this 5021 is even richer sounding... certainly an SLM worthy model to investigate.

Anyone relatively close by to the area?
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TransRed MX and a nice Alvarez 5021 in Eastern North Carolina Empty Re: TransRed MX and a nice Alvarez 5021 in Eastern North Carolina

Post by gittarasaurus Sat Feb 02, 2013 2:01 pm

the red one is an SX, there are 3 pots.
it is just missing a knob on the last one there

ima looking for a good red MX somewhere...
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TransRed MX and a nice Alvarez 5021 in Eastern North Carolina Empty Re: TransRed MX and a nice Alvarez 5021 in Eastern North Carolina

Post by Iceman Sat Feb 02, 2013 2:11 pm

...sigh No... got me again, Mike. Time to take a break then I'm thinking... Embarassed
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

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Age : 61
Location : Up North
Registration date : 2011-02-22

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TransRed MX and a nice Alvarez 5021 in Eastern North Carolina Empty Re: TransRed MX and a nice Alvarez 5021 in Eastern North Carolina

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