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Westone XA1130RD with Kahler hardware, for parts

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Westone XA1130RD with Kahler hardware, for parts Empty Westone XA1130RD with Kahler hardware, for parts

Post by gittarasaurus Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:36 pm

i saw this listing at Music Go Round, but no pics. so i called and i asked a few questions, and got a few pics too.
MGR Boston

a Spectrum I in red, which according to the catalog, has a mahogany body. it looks a bit scuffed up but i have seen much worse.
the Kahler Trem needs parts...
it has the Kahler string lock, but missing top screws and i don't know what else...
the tuners on it look nice, different than any others i have, notice no side screw on the back.

the person i spoke with did not know the condition of the electronics. i'd bet they work just fine, looks all original. vol/tone/5-way/no p/p's, no mini switch

very nice donor guitar if you need some parts, only needs a little bit to get going too.
Westone XA1130RD with Kahler hardware, for parts Ry%3D400 Westone XA1130RD with Kahler hardware, for parts Ry%3D400 Westone XA1130RD with Kahler hardware, for parts Ry%3D400 Westone XA1130RD with Kahler hardware, for parts Ry%3D400
Westone XA1130RD with Kahler hardware, for parts Ry%3D400

for anybody near Natick, MA (Boston area) it is a great deal. if anybody needs some seldom seen parts, it might be worth the shipping too...
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Westone XA1130RD with Kahler hardware, for parts Empty Re: Westone XA1130RD with Kahler hardware, for parts

Post by Iceman Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:12 pm

The seam in the headstock in the area behind the nut has never sat right with me. Suspect

That nut lock is no longer being made but finding the missing parts shouldn't be all that much of a problem.

Anyone know what model trem that Kahler is? It looks rather small and unsubstantial for a Kahler product.
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