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Pantera II

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Pantera - Pantera II Empty Pantera II

Post by dave5654 Sun Jan 18, 2009 6:20 pm

Has anybody ever seen a Pantera II? I had one in the late 80's and it was stolen. I have been searching for another one ever since with no luck. I can't seem to find any kind of info about it on the web. It looked exactly like an X390 and was caspian blue but had the Pantera II name on the front of the body. It had 2 active Westone humbucker pickups and a Kaylor Trem. If any one has any info about this model, or knows of one for sale, I sure would be interested in hearing from you.

Thanks for reading,
Registered Member

Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2009-01-18

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Pantera - Pantera II Empty Re: Pantera II

Post by Crambone Tue Jan 20, 2009 9:22 am


I haven't heard of that model, and it wasn't in any of the catalogs, that I'm aware of. I'm no expert on them, but I do love the X390 Pantera's, and have an extreme case of G.A.S. where they're concerned.

I'm only guessing, but yours may have been made in 1987, where they may have used the pickups also installed in the New Corsair Deluxe (the only one made with active pickups that year, according to the pricelist) 1987 Model link The adding of the active pickups would have made an already excellent guitar even hotter in my opinion. All of my Pantera's were made in 1986, and they didn't list any guitars with active pickups that year. I've got pictures of them posted in the "members westone" section.

I'm sorry that somebody stole your guitar, I've only had one guitar stolen from a bar, but it was an Ibanez PF100 LP copy. I had installed two Bill Lawrence L500 pickups which were about $200 alone back then in the 1980's. It's not a good feeling.

You wouldn't happen to have any old pictures of your guitar which you could scan into digital and post here would you? Do you have any record of the serial number from your stolen guitar? If so, you could do a google search for that number. It would be a long shot , but if someone were to be selling it they might list the serial number also. You could also do a google search often, using different phrases, and you might come across it. It's time consuming but you can find one that way, I have. If you are persistant you will find one, It may not be the one you had or a Pantera II, but you could always put a hotter pickup or an EMG in an X390, and have one more like you used to have. Also check ebay, Craigslist, pawn shops, garage sales, and music stores. I got one of mine shipped from a music store in California.

The member Colt933 probably knows more about the Panteras than anyone on here. You could try to PM him if he doesn't respond to this thread. He's knows alot about Westones and all areas of making music, and equipment.

Good luck with your search, and I hope you find what you're looking for. ⭐

Peace be with you,
Brother John
Westone Nut

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Age : 63
Location : Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Registration date : 2008-07-18

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Pantera - Pantera II Empty Thank You Brother John

Post by dave5654 Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:41 pm

Brother John,
I appreciate your reply to my question and I will continue to look as per your advice. I do have some pictures some where and when I find them I will send them to you.

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Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2009-01-18

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Pantera - Pantera II Empty Re: Pantera II

Post by colt933 Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:32 pm

I've never seen a Pantera with active pickups.

The X-390 models typically had black covers over the pickup coils that look a bit like active pickups but are not active.

But just because I have never seen one doesn't mean that they weren't made.

I'd never seen an X-390 with a factory Bendmaster Deluxe until I bought one a few months ago...

These are exceptional guitars and are in a league by themselves.
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