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Steve Vai in Portland, OR - WOW

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Steve Vai in Portland, OR - WOW Empty Steve Vai in Portland, OR - WOW

Post by hobster Wed Oct 10, 2012 11:43 am

So i was finally able to see Steve Vai solo last weekend after being a fan of his since the 80's. I saw him with Whitesnake back in the day but that doesn't really count. I'm a HUGE Zappa fan and have about 20 shows w/ Vai in the band back when he was a youngster. Anywho, i was blown away to say the least. He was an incredible entertainer, putting on a great visual show and of course his playing was flawless. Played some acoustic songs ( 1 off Flexible) and had an excellent band, which i of course expected. He was having a blast on stage as was the audience, he really fed off the energy. He's 52 now and still has amazing energy and just rips that guitar. I highly reccomend seeing him on this tour - he is a guitar god. I've mentioned him here before and i know there aren't alot of Vai fans on this site, but check him out if you can. The guy has lots of soul behind those amazing chops! I'd have to say it was the best guitar show i've seen, and i've seen ALOT.
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Steve Vai in Portland, OR - WOW Empty Re: Steve Vai in Portland, OR - WOW

Post by IanO Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:20 pm

I really like Slip Of The Tongue!..Saw him on the 1st G3 tour with Satch 'n' Eric Johnson...Truly top notch
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Number of posts : 259
Location : Cambridge U.K.
Registration date : 2011-02-04

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