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My Electra Phoenix is being donated for a local fundraiser

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My Electra Phoenix is being donated for a local fundraiser Empty My Electra Phoenix is being donated for a local fundraiser

Post by Iceman Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:33 pm

Evening gents. A cross post over to the Electra Forums for anyone who might be in a charitable mood...

For those who may be unaware an x185rd is basically the precursor to a Spectrum GT. Same pup config and electronic options but with a 6-screw Tek-Glide trem and no above the nut lock.

It is in above-grade player condition with only minor cosmetic faults and a pair of dings along the top edge of the neck one either side of the 3rd fret. They could be touched up, drop filled and buffed out very easily I am certain, but have never bothered me enough to bother with them.

Thanks for looking. What a Face

Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

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Age : 61
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Registration date : 2011-02-22

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