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eBay UK Thunder Jet bass plus amp, collection only, Wolverhampton

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eBay UK Thunder Jet bass plus amp, collection only, Wolverhampton Empty eBay UK Thunder Jet bass plus amp, collection only, Wolverhampton

Post by PaulS Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:21 am

clicky here Someone might get a bargain here. At the moment it is 99p and no bids. No pics, which will put a lot of people off, says it has been bumped but there is little to go wrong with one of these stealthy beauties. I have pimped mine with a quality preamp and hotter pup and it is really good - plays as well as my MIJ Precision and, with the good preamp, a better range of sounds.
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eBay UK Thunder Jet bass plus amp, collection only, Wolverhampton Empty Re: eBay UK Thunder Jet bass plus amp, collection only, Wolverhampton

Post by Sgt. Vimes Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:33 pm

I'm very tempted with a jet bass near me, but im not too sure what the finish looks like regarding fingerprints etc, plus with it being solid alder body I guess it would be rather bright sounding?
Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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eBay UK Thunder Jet bass plus amp, collection only, Wolverhampton Empty Re: eBay UK Thunder Jet bass plus amp, collection only, Wolverhampton

Post by PaulS Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:59 pm

Being alder, it is much lighter in weight than my old Thunder 1A bass was, a little bit neck heavy perhaps, but nice and comfortable to wear and nothing like the strain on my back that carrying the old 1A around was!

I would say I found it sounded a bit 'thin', rather than bright, when stock but changing the guts have transformed it into something quite special. One of my bands is a classic heavy rock covers band and I have been using it for rehearsing for that - played through a Genz Benz Streamliner head it really sounds the business.

I don't think the satin finish is any more of a problem for fingerprints than the gloss - although mine was so scruffy that once I had given it a clean and polish it was almost gloss, anyway. I just like the stealth look - all the matt black hardware. DR Black Beauty strings, too!
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eBay UK Thunder Jet bass plus amp, collection only, Wolverhampton Empty Re: eBay UK Thunder Jet bass plus amp, collection only, Wolverhampton

Post by Micro Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:17 pm

Hi Guys

Made him an offer - waiting for a reply.
Westone Nut

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eBay UK Thunder Jet bass plus amp, collection only, Wolverhampton Empty Re: eBay UK Thunder Jet bass plus amp, collection only, Wolverhampton

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