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Trem collar and arm, switch tip..

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switch - Trem collar and arm, switch tip.. Empty Trem collar and arm, switch tip..

Post by corsair Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:11 pm

I ordered 2 of each from Westbone and they arrived today; lovely stuff and for those who have the missing collar for a Bendmaster trem, then this is the go...

switch - Trem collar and arm, switch tip.. DSC_0046

... immediately pressed into service on my (stringless) LX. The bar sits a bit high for my taste, but that's nothing a small trip to the vice won't fix!!

switch - Trem collar and arm, switch tip.. DSC_0045

The switch tips are equally cool and are indeed the spitting image of the barrel tips from Matt; here's one whacked onto my (stringless)
Vantage Avenger AV395...

switch - Trem collar and arm, switch tip.. DSC_0047

switch - Trem collar and arm, switch tip.. DSC_0048

Stringless because the useless music shop here had to order my preferred gauge and brand 2 months ago and they haven't arrived yet! I could - and should've !! - got 'em from bloody Jersey!!!

Anyway, thanks, Damian - beautiful job!!
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switch - Trem collar and arm, switch tip.. Empty Re: Trem collar and arm, switch tip..

Post by Westbone Sat Jul 07, 2012 4:57 pm

Glad to help anyone out John.

Or try.Twisted Evil
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switch - Trem collar and arm, switch tip.. Empty Re: Trem collar and arm, switch tip..

Post by Barry Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:40 pm

Big Stiff String Man is stringless!?
Oh the horror! switch - Trem collar and arm, switch tip.. 593350707

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
switch - Trem collar and arm, switch tip.. Guitar10
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switch - Trem collar and arm, switch tip.. Empty Re: Trem collar and arm, switch tip..

Post by corsair Sat Jul 14, 2012 8:08 pm

Barry wrote:Big Stiff String Man is stringless!?
Oh the horror! switch - Trem collar and arm, switch tip.. 593350707

Yes indeed!! switch - Trem collar and arm, switch tip.. 4053770264

No... I had 2 spare sets of my preferred gauges in my tackle box and the Pantera and the Spec 1012 are strung and receiving some lovin'... switch - Trem collar and arm, switch tip.. 2766251783
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