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My Collection

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My Collection Empty My Collection

Post by EvilVOG Sat Mar 17, 2012 12:36 am

Figured i'd throw my collection up here, show you what i'm working with, and maybe find someone who can identify the unidentifiable...

My first bass, and still my workhorse, late 80's-very early 90's Korean Squier P:

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MIM Fender P, with fretless MIM J neck:

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When i was in my teens my grandfather died, so we began cleaning out the house to move my grandmother out, my uncle gave me the 3 guitars that he had left there, as they had been sealed (like plastic taped over the opening to the stairway) in the attic for right around 15 years. Here's the first of the three:

Mid 60's Silvertone 1457, unfortunately someone stole the case from my uncle back in the day, and i at some point misplaced some of the knobs.

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Mid 60's Zim-Gar, probably made by Teisco

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And this, as yet unidentified, 60's Japan-made, super short scale bass. Someone on Talkbass said Zim-gar, but i have been unable to verify that. I was told it was purchased from the Sears catalog by my Uncle. It is 23" long from Nut to bridge, and has 19 frets. Not sure this is the original color.

My Collection 390048_2664715695817_1193750656_3164869_1274130522_n
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 94
Location : Detroit, Mi
Registration date : 2011-11-14

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My Collection Empty Re: My Collection

Post by gittarasaurus Sat Mar 17, 2012 1:10 am

looks like a Teisco to me. they made many unbranded guitars too.

i have a Teisco Del Rey six string that has a similar looking pickup. , it is a 24 3/4" scale guitar. the body shape looks very similar, even strap buttons in the same place.

My Collection 47a2dd37b3127cce98548a740cbe00000035101FbtHLhm08My Collection 47a2dd37b3127cce98548a778d8d00000035101FbtHLhm08
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My Collection Empty Re: My Collection

Post by EvilVOG Sat Mar 17, 2012 2:18 am

Yeah i'm pretty sure it came out of the Teisco factory. Zim-Gar is one of the names they used, like Zen-on, guyatone, ect. Kinda like the black one there is identical in every way to a Zen-on with the one exception of the tremolo (and mine was refinished black). Just hoping one day to have a name i can look up that will have with it a photo of one that looks the same. I have only seen one other like it, and it was just a neck and empty body on eBay, and he had no idea what it was. It was a pastel orange, similar in feel to the yellow on mine, but he wasn't sure his finish was original.
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 94
Location : Detroit, Mi
Registration date : 2011-11-14

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My Collection Empty Re: My Collection

Post by hobster Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:04 pm

Cool guitars and basses, dig the backround - i LOVE old Sabbath!!
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My Collection Empty Re: My Collection

Post by Iceman Sun Mar 18, 2012 12:13 am

I've seen that oversized join area to undersized neck combination somewhere before but I cannot remember the label. It was very much a Zim-Gar / Teisco build in other respects, but neither of those badges. If it came out of a Sears Roebuck catalog I would look into Silvertone closely.

Extremely light weight, almost cheesy construction... seemed like a balsa wood glider in my hands. I am referring to the one I handled, not yours EV.
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My Collection Empty Re: My Collection

Post by Barry Sun Mar 18, 2012 5:40 pm

EvilVOG wrote:...Mid 60's Silvertone 1457, unfortunately someone stole the case from my uncle back in the day, and i at some point misplaced some of the knobs....
Grandad had an eclectic taste. I'm a sucker for Dano's (Silvertone). That original should be worth a couple o' bucks. And you should be able to get replacement knobs at or good 'ol eBay.
BTW, how's the original bridge holding up? The ones on the reissues are rubbish and bend like crazy: Sagging Bridge

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
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My Collection Empty Re: My Collection

Post by EvilVOG Sun Mar 18, 2012 5:50 pm

Definitely nothing like that. As far as i can tell it's perfect. I don't recall if the 15-20 years it sat untouched if it had any strings on it, but i'm pretty sure it was probably unstrung.

Been on the lookout for the knobs, i keep finding people parting them out, but they never seem to have the knobs, or remember what they did with them. And the case, but people are asking crazy amounts for the cases. Never seen danguitars, i'll go browse there
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 94
Location : Detroit, Mi
Registration date : 2011-11-14

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