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Bass Pantera X775 low output?

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Bass Pantera X775 low output? Empty Bass Pantera X775 low output?

Post by kirry Fri Mar 02, 2012 3:05 pm

I own Spectrum Series II bass (SPB311) and since this week Pantera X775...
I thought I would be happy with Pantera, but somehow it has much less output as my SPB311...
Pantra sounds good,but has comparaly noticeable less output.
It has less output,comparaly to spb311 in passive mode too!
is the circuit of pantera defekt?
or is it normal for Pantera?
is here anyone,who owns Pantera bass and sonething like SPB311 ,and can compare (active/passiv over on/off and dual tone switches) vs. Pantera active circuit.

best regards kirry
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Bass Pantera X775 low output? Empty Re: Bass Pantera X775 low output?

Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:32 pm

are the batteries old? I swapped out old batteries in my Spector bass and the difference was HUGE

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Bass Pantera X775 low output? Empty Re: Bass Pantera X775 low output?

Post by Frenchy Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:24 pm

sarcaster wrote:are the batteries old? I swapped out old batteries in my Spector bass and the difference was HUGE

That is true.... Try the battery...

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Bass Pantera X775 low output? Empty Re: Bass Pantera X775 low output?

Post by Iceman Fri Mar 02, 2012 8:44 pm

Also remember Kirry that leaving your patch chord plugged in can drain the batteries as it continues to power the circuitry even if you have your amp powered down or even unplugged.

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Bass Pantera X775 low output? Empty Re: Bass Pantera X775 low output?

Post by kirry Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:54 am

Batteries are new!
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Bass Pantera X775 low output? Empty Re: Bass Pantera X775 low output?

Post by Frenchy Sat Mar 03, 2012 11:34 am

How is the set up? is the string height the same over the pups?

Not all pups have the same output.
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Bass Pantera X775 low output? Empty Re: Bass Pantera X775 low output?

Post by kirry Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:44 pm

set up is th same:
bridge pickups are the same (Magnabass V),the sam string high, the same nw batteries.
My question is oriented to people,who have Pantera and another westone bass!
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Bass Pantera X775 low output? Empty Re: Bass Pantera X775 low output?

Post by Frenchy Sat Mar 03, 2012 2:16 pm

kirry wrote:set up is th same:
bridge pickups are the same (Magnabass V),the sam string high, the same nw batteries.
My question is oriented to people,who have Pantera and another westone bass!

Sorry to try and help....
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Bass Pantera X775 low output? Empty Re: Bass Pantera X775 low output?

Post by Guest Sat Mar 03, 2012 6:42 pm

I have a Pantera 5 string bass with active electronics and it sounds great - has a good range of sounds. Myabe take a picture of the electronics and maybe we can see if someone altered them at some point - cou;d be something simple

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Bass Pantera X775 low output? Empty Re: Bass Pantera X775 low output?

Post by Iceman Sat Mar 03, 2012 11:20 pm

Hey kirry! Maybe if you would stop the attitude and try to be somewhat respectful when first posting to a forum you might find getting help to be less taxing on your patience.

Frenchy has a very good grasp of electric guitars, basses and even ones like yours with special circuitry. He has been an invaluable source of information to myself and many, many others both here and on a few other forums. His knowledge of Japanese vintage instruments is vast and respected by those of us who know him and know of him. Weak pickup strength can occur on other guitars besides a Pantera bass. As it it appears to me you're acting a little thick I'll cut to the chase...

I also have an x775 and have an idea or two about possible reasons you are having problems, but your charming reparte with a very reasonable and respected member of our community is making it very hard to be my usually helpful and tactful self.

'Kay? Buh-bye now.

Last edited by Iceman on Sun Mar 04, 2012 2:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Bass Pantera X775 low output? Empty Re: Bass Pantera X775 low output?

Post by Frenchy Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:56 am

Thank you for the kind words Steve... I just try to have fun with my hobby and help if I can.... Just like the majority of the nice folks on these boards.

Kirry just has a bass specific problem that I will not be able to assit with, no biggy.
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Bass Pantera X775 low output? Empty Re: Bass Pantera X775 low output?

Post by hobster Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:33 pm

Frenchy wrote:
kirry wrote:set up is th same:
bridge pickups are the same (Magnabass V),the sam string high, the same nw batteries.
My question is oriented to people,who have Pantera and another westone bass!

Sorry to try and help....

Geez Frenchy, what were you thinking? Suspect Razz Razz
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Bass Pantera X775 low output? Empty Re: Bass Pantera X775 low output?

Post by Frenchy Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:55 pm

hobster wrote:
Frenchy wrote:
kirry wrote:set up is th same:
bridge pickups are the same (Magnabass V),the sam string high, the same nw batteries.
My question is oriented to people,who have Pantera and another westone bass!

Sorry to try and help....

Geez Frenchy, what were you thinking? Suspect Razz Razz

I know..... Really... seriously... I have this big problem 🐒 , when I hear someone asking for help.... I try to help.... confused I was badly raised as a kid.... What a Face

My bad... Laughing
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Bass Pantera X775 low output? Empty Re: Bass Pantera X775 low output?

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