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I opened a music store and school in Nashville!

The Chad
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I opened a music store and school in Nashville! Empty I opened a music store and school in Nashville!

Post by colt933 Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:53 am

Virginia's Music Center

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My guitar instructor Wes Ernest has about 30 years of experience teaching rock guitar. It's really the only job he's ever had. His mother owned the original Virginia's Music Center in Seymour Indiana when he was little and so he rode the bus to the store every day after school. He started teaching lessons when he was 13-14. The original store is shown in the John Mellencamp song 'Small Town', look at about 00:34 in the following clip:

Wes had been 'working for the man' for long enough and it was time to strike out on his own. He has a devoted following of students and customers (I guess I'm one of them) and has great ideas. But like most musicians he was broke. I discussed his plight with my wife Audrey. She had been disappointed in recent years with the growth and income generated from our portfolio and sought more diversification. It was her idea to back him financially in this business, so that's what we did. The new Virginia's Music Center opened to the public on 02/01/2012. We do not wish to compete with Guitar Center or online discount sellers. We offer music lessons, strings, picks, and accessories, beginner and intermediate-level guitars, and our store manager Jason is a certified luthier who offers expert repairs and upgrades on stringed instruments.

Wish us luck!!
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I opened a music store and school in Nashville! Empty Re: I opened a music store and school in Nashville!

Post by The Chad Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:14 am


Alright! I pray it works out for you, what a great idea. Besides investing, how involved will you be?
The Chad
The Chad
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I opened a music store and school in Nashville! Empty Re: I opened a music store and school in Nashville!

Post by colt933 Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:25 am

The Chad wrote: cheers

Alright! I pray it works out for you, what a great idea. Besides investing, how involved will you be?

While I will not work at the store on a daily basis, I will be the defacto general manager, book keeper, and all-around cool dude. Wes has never run a business before while I have run several (and none of them into the ground!). Jason is a great luthier and salesman, but has never managed a business either. So they really need my guidance on many things - mainly the mechanics of operating a business. And my big brain helps too!
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Number of posts : 583
Registration date : 2008-04-08

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I opened a music store and school in Nashville! Empty Re: I opened a music store and school in Nashville!

Post by The Chad Wed Feb 15, 2012 2:25 pm

I love it, sounds like between the three of you there's all you'll need! The brains, the salesman, and the technician... seriously, that is a recipe for success. Cool Kind of like Oceans 11 except with only 3. Well, and no robbery, but whatever.
The Chad
The Chad
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Location : Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
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I opened a music store and school in Nashville! Empty Re: I opened a music store and school in Nashville!

Post by corsair Wed Feb 15, 2012 4:09 pm

Bonne chance, colt; I'm sure you'll at least make a living, doing something that you're passionate about!!

Go, you good thing!!
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I opened a music store and school in Nashville! Empty Re: I opened a music store and school in Nashville!

Post by colt933 Wed Feb 15, 2012 4:43 pm

Please like us on Facebook and see pics of the place!
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Number of posts : 583
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I opened a music store and school in Nashville! Empty Re: I opened a music store and school in Nashville!

Post by Barry Wed Feb 15, 2012 4:54 pm

Sounds like a great match colt, especially since the wife's on board! Twisted Evil
Nuthin' like being around the things that give you peace of mind and inspiration. Best of luck!

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
I opened a music store and school in Nashville! Guitar10
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I opened a music store and school in Nashville! Empty Re: I opened a music store and school in Nashville!

Post by Guest Wed Feb 15, 2012 7:22 pm

Good luck with the new place!

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I opened a music store and school in Nashville! Empty Re: I opened a music store and school in Nashville!

Post by hobster Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:58 pm

I think that is terrific Colt and i hope it all works out well for you. Its a gutsy move but keep at and your student base will expand and so will your reputation. I have tons of respect for people that have the balls to do such a thing, i wish you luck and good vibes maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. Very Happy Very Happy
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I opened a music store and school in Nashville! Empty Re: I opened a music store and school in Nashville!

Post by beavis Thu Feb 16, 2012 3:33 am

This is admirable Colt! Looks great!
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I opened a music store and school in Nashville! Empty Re: I opened a music store and school in Nashville!

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