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For only $110 can you go wrong?? Kansas City CL

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For only $110 can you go wrong?? Kansas City CL Empty For only $110 can you go wrong?? Kansas City CL

Post by Iceman Mon Feb 13, 2012 9:14 pm

The obligatory crappy pictures... but definitely a Spectrum
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For only $110 can you go wrong?? Kansas City CL Empty Re: For only $110 can you go wrong?? Kansas City CL

Post by corsair Tue Feb 14, 2012 12:35 am

Spectrum ST, and it looks OK, to! Mind you... As you say,Steve.... How could you go wrong?!
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For only $110 can you go wrong?? Kansas City CL Empty Re: For only $110 can you go wrong?? Kansas City CL

Post by Iceman Tue Feb 14, 2012 9:07 pm

Communication breakdown smells of a seller who ain't gonna play ball shipping-wise to my nose.

Anybody in 'ol St. Louie get after this like white on rice though. Hell-on-wheels deal to my eyes.
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

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For only $110 can you go wrong?? Kansas City CL Empty Re: For only $110 can you go wrong?? Kansas City CL

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