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Found another 2588 Skylark on CL in Seattle

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Found another 2588 Skylark on CL in Seattle  Empty Found another 2588 Skylark on CL in Seattle

Post by Iceman Sun Feb 05, 2012 9:16 pm

I am not going after this one, however I have had some correspondence with the seller. No picture but the model was confirmed by having the color scheme described and it is the blue one.

Who is in or near Seattle?
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Found another 2588 Skylark on CL in Seattle  Empty Re: Found another 2588 Skylark on CL in Seattle

Post by Westbone Sun Feb 05, 2012 10:46 pm

Think I'll dye the wings on some of my Thunders and ask for big bux.
Basically the same guitar apart from a name on the headstock. Which was only a catalogue sale guitar.
$600. having a giraffe Laughing
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Found another 2588 Skylark on CL in Seattle  Empty Re: Found another 2588 Skylark on CL in Seattle

Post by hobster Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:31 am

Seattle is about 4.5 hours from here but it would have to be a WICKED deal and that baby is not. $600 :?: :?:
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Found another 2588 Skylark on CL in Seattle  Empty Re: Found another 2588 Skylark on CL in Seattle

Post by hobster Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:41 am

OK, i just realized its the neck thru version, so the price isn't too bad, just too far away.
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Found another 2588 Skylark on CL in Seattle  Empty Re: Found another 2588 Skylark on CL in Seattle

Post by dewain Thu Apr 09, 2015 11:17 pm

I know this was a long time ago, but is there any way you could help me find out who bought or sold this guitar in Seattle 2012. It may be the one I had to leave behind on my ship (USS Abe Lincoln) when I got out of the Navy (Dec 2010). It makes sense that the guitar may have stayed onboard until the ship was moved to Norfolk around 2012. I realise it's unlikely, but it would be awesome for me to be reunited with that guitar. Thanks for any help you may have to offer.

Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2015-04-09

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Found another 2588 Skylark on CL in Seattle  Empty Re: Found another 2588 Skylark on CL in Seattle

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