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Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these?

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Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these? Empty Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these?

Post by nicholaspaul Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:52 pm

A few years ago the middle pickup on my Concorde II died and I replaced it with a Samick one. Now I want something closer in tone. Does anyone know what the specs are on these pickups?
On the other hand, although I like the tone of these, are they considered 'good' pickups by many? I hate to invest in a series of Seymour Duncans only to find I can't get the same tone. As they are they are buttery with a good amount of bite.
Westone Nut

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Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these? Empty Re: Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these?

Post by Westbone Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:37 am

Well, if you like the tone, why change them??

If you still have the original middle one, you'll probably find the copper winding has corroded at the solder joint. Just resodler.

They are a good sounding p/up anyway.
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Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these? Empty Re: Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these?

Post by nicholaspaul Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:05 pm

... Because I want the middle pickup to match the others. I dont have the old pickup anymore - this was about 20 years ago!
Westone Nut

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Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these? Empty Re: Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these?

Post by Westbone Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:40 pm

You mean like these...
Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these? Sany0374

Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these? Sany0383e

Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these? Sany0377h

Just might be able to help you....
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Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these? Empty Re: Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these?

Post by nicholaspaul Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:22 pm

YES! That's exactly what they are. Thanks SO much for the meter reading - you're a star!
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 20
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Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these? Empty Re: Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these?

Post by nicholaspaul Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:38 pm

Don't suppose you know what kind of magnets they are?
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 20
Age : 56
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Registration date : 2010-03-14

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Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these? Empty Re: Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these?

Post by Westbone Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:41 pm

The one with the readings is a spare....

Readings,,,Neck, 4.82 Mid, 4.78 Bri, 4.85..

I had one for sale but picked it up this evening, had a little strum and decided to keep it. Knocks the sh*t out of some Strats.

Here's some that have been on sale awhile
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Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these? Empty Re: Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these?

Post by nicholaspaul Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:59 pm

I just installed a GFS Alnico Boutique pickup in the middle position, replacing the Samick p/u.

Sounds fantastic! It puts back the chime that the Samick POS obviously didn't have and balances out the other two very nicely. I know many people hate them, but I put in a phase switch too. I can now get some amazing piezo-type strumming tones out of it.

If anyone else is looking to replace their pickups, I can highly recommend GFS. Great prices, fantastic sound.
Westone Nut

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Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these? Empty Re: Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these?

Post by Barry Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:14 am

Just to reinforce the readings, my Concord II is 4.59 4.59 4.58

nicholaspaul wrote:I just installed a GFS Alnico Boutique pickup in the middle position, replacing the Samick p/u...If anyone else is looking to replace their pickups, I can highly recommend GFS. Great prices, fantastic sound.
That's good news! We're always looking for replacement parts for our Westies. This is also yet another endorsement for GFS pups. Whatever they're doing they appear to be doing it right, and without breaking the piggy bank to do it.

I think this should go up on the web site under FixME/Hardware Repairs, if all are in agreement? Let me know if anyone else has found similar kinds of replacements for their babies and let's post those too. Not everyone is capable of repairing the originals, eh?

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Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these? Empty Re: Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these?

Post by Westbone Wed Sep 14, 2011 1:38 pm

Happy ending, result Smile GFS do good stuff.

These are pretty good for the price. On this side of the pond.

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Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these? Empty Re: Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these?

Post by nicholaspaul Sun Sep 18, 2011 8:19 pm

I think this should go up on the web site under FixME/Hardware Repairs, if all are in agreement?

Sure, that's a great idea! Refile away Smile
Westone Nut

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Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these? Empty Re: Concorde - Replacing pickups to match. What are these?

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