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Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

The Chad
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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by The Chad Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:43 am

I just joined Facebook's "Westone Guitars" group. If you're on there, let me know who you are, I'm cleverly disguised as Chad Koons. It's good to be able to put a face with the name.

Looks like a pretty good little group. Very Happy Check it out.
The Chad
The Chad
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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by hendrik Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:59 pm

I found it, but where to join...

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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by The Chad Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:29 pm

hendrik wrote:I found it, but where to join...


Should be a "request to join" or something like that. Click it. It will let you know that the request has been sent. They'll approve you in a day.
The Chad
The Chad
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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Facebook westone page

Post by mortarman120gang11c Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:40 pm

I also found the site on facebook but no way to join.
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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by The Chad Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:44 pm

mortarman120gang11c wrote:I also found the site on facebook but no way to join.

When I went on, there was a request to join button I clicked. It was on the top towards the right side I think! I can't see it anymore, since I joined.
The Chad
The Chad
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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by chaypup Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:36 am

I think you now have to be added by someone who's already a member. Add me Chay Lockyer as a friend and I'll add you in. Although it's a pretty poor group and pretty pointless when we have this wonderful site here!
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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by corsair Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:12 am

I keep a weather on what's happening in there, but really, I feel I have all I want about Westone in here without going to FB... that said, at least the people on there are keeping the flag flying...
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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by The Chad Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:12 am

Our forum is much better indeed, the Facebook group is only good for those of us who like the connectivity of Facebook.

I think we have the best guitar forum of any brand. Cool I read a posting somewhere that said "Westone guitars have a huge cult following". cheers
The Chad
The Chad
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Location : Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by corsair Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:22 am

The Chad wrote: I read a posting somewhere that said "Westone guitars have a huge cult following". cheers

Shocked "Huge", eh?! Laughing There's about 20 regular posters, and of that maybe 10 really hardcore 'toners.... Laughing Cool However, I'm real happy with what we have in here....
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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by Barry Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:41 pm

Face Book? A colossal waste of time, and bandwidth. Evil or Very Mad

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Guitar10
MUSIC/PIX/VIDEOS: (including Spectrum ST)
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

Number of posts : 8796
Age : 79
Location : Port Weller, St. Catharines, Canada
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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by corsair Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:08 pm

A bit harsh, Barry?! We use it to let the folks back home keep abreast of what we're doing half a world away, and find it very good for that purpose indeed!! However, that's all we do use it for... Laughing
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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by Warrn Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:32 am

Facebook is among the most poorly programmed websites I've ever had to use, just as bad or worse than myspace. Really wish someone would invent a social networking site that didn't suck. Neutral I don't mind facebook for some things, but it certainly likes to randomly not work sometimes.

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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by hendrik Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:57 am

what you have to do is run FACEBOOK through a translation tool. The results are funny for native speakers...

In German: GESICHTSBUCH .... In a back translation, I can read your face like a book.

Other languagues, just try...

But in case someone want to let us join, just add me: Hendrik Jentzsch

And Barry, you using mail, this and few more forums. Now step into the 21th century.... Cool

Cheers and have a nice day...

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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by hobster Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:20 pm

Barry wrote:Face Book? A colossal waste of time, and bandwidth. Evil or Very Mad

Laughing Yeah, i joined a couple of months ago when i was back with my friends on the east coast. Why i did i have no idea. It can be really useful to keep in touch with family/friends as John pointed out, but there are people that post 10 times a day or more. Who the hell has time for that? I have mixed feelings but it can suck you in and waste your time for sure, then again, so does the internet. Us old cats can remember a time when there wasn't internet, remember how you spent your time back then?
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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by Barry Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:32 pm

hendrik wrote:...And Barry, you using mail, this and few more forums. Now step into the 21th century...
Hendrik, I've been on the bleeding edge of Internet innovation for more years than I care to remember: Years of web development, including our own WestoneGuitars web site, and currently developing eLearning programs for a major Canadian hi tech company in the military surveillance arena...

FaceBook? Twitter? Bah, humbug. rabbit

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Guitar10
MUSIC/PIX/VIDEOS: (including Spectrum ST)
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

Number of posts : 8796
Age : 79
Location : Port Weller, St. Catharines, Canada
Registration date : 2009-05-01

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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by Iceman Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:01 am

I remember back in the day when I thought I was pretty hot $h!#€ running a BBS out of S. Mnpls. Gunning along at a pace that would make a glacier look like a sleek snail in motion.

Ah for the good old days!
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

Number of posts : 2894
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Registration date : 2011-02-22

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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by hobster Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:42 am

Iceman wrote:I remember back in the day when I thought I was pretty hot $h!#€ running a BBS out of S. Mnpls. Gunning along at a pace that would make a glacier look like a sleek snail in motion.

Ah for the good old days!

Very Happy cheers Razz
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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by hendrik Sun Jul 31, 2011 4:58 am

Barry wrote:
hendrik wrote:...And Barry, you using mail, this and few more forums. Now step into the 21th century...
Hendrik, I've been on the bleeding edge of Internet innovation for more years than I care to remember: Years of web development, including our own WestoneGuitars web site, and currently developing eLearning programs for a major Canadian hi tech company in the military surveillance arena...

FaceBook? Twitter? Bah, humbug. rabbit

Hi Barry,

I agree, Twitter is rubbish. Facebook seems to be quite handy to keep in touch with some friends and colleguagues far away. But don't let drag you to much into it. It can be a waste of time...
By the way, I'm also in software development, always in front with all the new technologies. Cool
And from a technological perspective all this social networking things are mostly utterly rubbish from the UI, the handling etc....

Best regards, keep on rocking

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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by Sollophonic Sun Aug 07, 2011 1:47 pm

Tell you what, if you want to see how it should be done, check out the Danelectro site on Facebook. It would be nice if the Westone one was as user friendly IMO

Personally, as far as Westones go, I prefer it here.

As far as Squier 51s go Ilike their own forum

As far as Teles go, I love the TDPRI

As far as Gibsons, I love MLP

And resonators theres little better than

The Danelectro forum is not so good though, which is why the Facebook page is really cool.

Maybe with this great site theres no need for a Westone Facebook page......... Neutral
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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by Barry Sun Aug 07, 2011 7:04 pm

Sollophonic wrote:...Maybe with this great site theres no need for a Westone Facebook page... Neutral
Facebook (and Macintosh) is for computer users who have velcro where laces and zippers should be. clown

p.s. You cannot see the Danelectro page unless you sign up with Facebook. This is user friendly?

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Guitar10
MUSIC/PIX/VIDEOS: (including Spectrum ST)
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

Number of posts : 8796
Age : 79
Location : Port Weller, St. Catharines, Canada
Registration date : 2009-05-01

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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by Iceman Sun Aug 07, 2011 9:33 pm

Barry wrote:...Facebook (and Macintosh) is for computer users who have velcro where laces and zippers should be. clown

While an opinion and perhaps true it does give one pause to consider the target market and if it is being served. Exactly how popular Facebook, MySpace and other social sites are is not really up for debate.

Unless the debate is are there 100's of millions of users or multiple 100's of millions of users.

Might just be an accurate comment on the global society as a whole as well, or at least the upcoming generation of users.
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by Barry Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:45 am

Iceman wrote:...Might just be an accurate comment on the global society as a whole as well, or at least the upcoming generation of users.
Therein lies the sad truth methinks, the general "dumbing down" of society in all aspects of life. Common sense, independent thinking, personal responsibility, all are victims.

It is a cruel irony that in the most technologically advanced period in our history, with unprecedented communications ability, the content being distributed on that technology is primarily utter drivel. Smart phones? Not hardly. It is to laugh. And to weep.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Guitar10
MUSIC/PIX/VIDEOS: (including Spectrum ST)
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

Number of posts : 8796
Age : 79
Location : Port Weller, St. Catharines, Canada
Registration date : 2009-05-01

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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by Guest Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:09 pm

The Chad wrote:I just joined Facebook's "Westone Guitars" group. If you're on there, let me know who you are, I'm cleverly disguised as Chad Koons. It's good to be able to put a face with the name.

Looks like a pretty good little group. Very Happy Check it out.

Hey Chad,
I'm a member on there too!
You ought to be able to find me because I think that I was the last one who posted... had a sneaky dig at letting a few more peeps know that my Clipper Six was up for sale! Laughing
Don't bother trying to find me through a normal Facebook search though because my privacy settings are so flipping private, even I can't find me! Laughing scratch

I have to agree with most of the comments made on here about Facebook, but there again, perhaps some of the newer members on these forums only found out about us through that very group, so it is good in a way! On a personal note, I traced cousins through Facebook, that I hadn't seen for almost forty three years! Smile

Polly :queen: :flower:

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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by Westbone Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:46 pm

Christ, a long lost daughter found me on facebook after 38 years!! Turned out very good but only registered by mistake!!! Surprised
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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by hoax Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:53 pm

Westbone wrote:Christ, a long lost daughter found me on facebook after 38 years!! Turned out very good but only registered by mistake!!! Surprised

Westbone - You are damn complex!!


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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by Iceman Tue Aug 09, 2011 6:15 pm

Westbone wrote:Christ, a long lost daughter found me on facebook after 38 years!! Turned out very good but only registered by mistake!!! Surprised

... ees' a riddle, clouded in mystery and wrapped up in an enigma ... Suspect
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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by Westbone Tue Aug 09, 2011 6:22 pm

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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by hoax Tue Aug 09, 2011 6:23 pm


I tell him that I intend to knock the sh*t ( yeah, I know - censored) out of a Concord........and he tells the whole (Westone) world that he fathered a child 38 years ago !

Anyway Ice - What drinks do you have on the counter tonight for myself and Old Father Weird.

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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by Westbone Tue Aug 09, 2011 6:32 pm

It's just a remark on how Facebook can or could backfire. It's been a lot bigger sh*t for some folks.
Me, over the moon mate. Smile

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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by hoax Tue Aug 09, 2011 6:44 pm

Yankin' yer chain Damers!!

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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by Westbone Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:09 pm

Whatever, better than pullin' ya plonker!! Laughing
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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by Iceman Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:01 pm

hoax wrote:

...Anyway Ice - What drinks do you have on the counter tonight for myself and Old Father Weird.

Half a minute, gentleman. Be right back...
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by Iceman Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:14 pm

Introducing, for the first time online, anywhere.......

Facebook's "Westone Guitars" 1312938418

The Majick Overnight Case.

Right of first refusal to the sourpuss to the east... Laughing

Best I could scratch up on short notice seeing as how D & G's is serving Tuesday's only.
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by Guest Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:25 pm

although I stick to beer myself, I have to say that is one cool travel bag Ice

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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by Westbone Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:17 am

hoax wrote:Yeah

I tell him that I intend to knock the sh*t ( yeah, I know - censored) out of a Concord........and he tells the whole (Westone) world that he fathered a child 38 years ago !

Anyway Ice - What drinks do you have on the counter tonight for myself and Old Father Weird.


This is the none westone discussion section Grahmo.
your request for a concord was in the wanted section.

Getting a bit confused in your dotage eh!!
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Number of posts : 5918
Location : Redbridge
Registration date : 2008-12-28

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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by The Chad Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:33 am

What a great thread this turned out to be, wow! Shocked affraid Ya never know where something's going to go here, I like it. Made me laugh out loud again, thanks.
The Chad
The Chad
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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by grogg Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:56 pm

Iceman wrote:The Majick Overnight Case.

Nice travel accessory, what are the instruments on the right for and why all the plastic bags?
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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

Post by Iceman Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:07 pm

grogg wrote:
Nice travel accessory, what are the instruments on the right for and why all the plastic bags?

I do not often stir up highballs or martinis but the springcoiled do-hickey is for straining out the goods from the crushed ice, a long spoon for general mixing, a combination can/bottle opener, one of a pair of chopsticks (pickle/olive spears) and the plastic glasses came along with the case but I've not yet needed to use them.

The selection is actually a stash kept out of my wifes clutches. Usually there is bourbon kept in it in case I run across any branch water that is in need of improvement. drunken
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

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Facebook's "Westone Guitars" Empty Re: Facebook's "Westone Guitars"

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