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'85 Spectrum MX w/OHSC and the key!!

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'85 Spectrum MX w/OHSC and the key!! Empty '85 Spectrum MX w/OHSC and the key!!

Post by Iceman Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:08 pm

$429.00??? Is it just me or is this one "juuuuust a bit outside" ? Suspect
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'85 Spectrum MX w/OHSC and the key!! Empty Re: '85 Spectrum MX w/OHSC and the key!!

Post by Warrn Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:13 pm

Yikes! But I have to admit, it's in amazing shape, has its trem bar, and that case is just as nice. As for the price... well, it's high, but the condition is pretty phenomenal. We'll see if it sells.

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'85 Spectrum MX w/OHSC and the key!! Empty Re: '85 Spectrum MX w/OHSC and the key!!

Post by corsair Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:56 am

425 with pickup issues?! Hmmm.....
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'85 Spectrum MX w/OHSC and the key!! Empty Re: '85 Spectrum MX w/OHSC and the key!!

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