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Thunder laquer ?

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Thunder laquer ? Empty Thunder laquer ?

Post by kilttone Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:11 am

Hello All

Recently picked up an old Thunder 1A which has the red two tone varnished wood but with a couple of chips off the paint - I am sure someone on here must has re varnished one of these - can they point me in the direction of the best matching red laquer colour and supplier in UK please ?

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Thunder laquer ? Empty Re: Thunder laquer ?

Post by Barry Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:41 am

As you may have realized already, the transparent finishes on Mats' guitars actually have the colour in the surface coating rather than staining the wood and clear finish over. The finish was tough-as-nails catalyzed polyester (Imron), not lacquer or nitro.

Most of the fellers here have had good success using the drop-fill method with either CA (super glue) or liquid polyester. You can search these forums and the Internet for more info on how to do this, but your main difficulty is likely going to be matching the red color. You'll need some patience but it can be done.
Good luck!

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Thunder laquer ? Guitar10
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