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Neon aqua blue shredder near Philly, PA on CL @ $175... (Chad needs another OTT)

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Neon aqua blue shredder near Philly, PA on CL @ $175... (Chad needs another OTT) Empty Neon aqua blue shredder near Philly, PA on CL @ $175... (Chad needs another OTT)

Post by Iceman Sun Jun 12, 2011 4:55 pm

He is down $25 already from his last listing. Might as well shoot for another $25 under this.

A counterpoint to that sweet green Atak you recently scored Chad. If you're going over the top ya' might as well go way over... Twisted Evil Twisted Evil
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Neon aqua blue shredder near Philly, PA on CL @ $175... (Chad needs another OTT) Empty Re: Neon aqua blue shredder near Philly, PA on CL @ $175... (Chad needs another OTT)

Post by The Chad Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:39 am

cheers You know, I am still on the over the top 80's kick, and this does look really good!!!

Alas, no mo' G.A.S. money.

Unless a super cool Pantera or Quest Atak 6 or something happens to come along... Laughing Then I could buy the guitar and put my acoustic up for sale to appease my darling Wifey. Cool
The Chad
The Chad
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