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Westone bits for sale

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Westone bits for sale Empty Westone bits for sale

Post by paul_5 Mon Jun 06, 2011 6:51 pm

I recently bought a Westone Thunder 1A bass body, neck and neckplate. It is becoming more apparent that I don't have the time (or really the expertise) necessary to restore this to its former glory. I'm looking to sell this as a job lot for £30 (including P and P). I've included some photos, but can provide more if needed. The fingerboard has been defretted by someone who was obviously experimenting with trained animals; it's not the job it should have been.

It still plays well though, and has the bright, punchy tone you'd expect from one of these.

Please note, there are no electronics included in the sale, and only one of the machine heads is an original Westone ( as far as I can tell).
Feel free to contact me regarding this sale. Cheers, Paul
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Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2011-05-20

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Westone bits for sale Empty Re: Westone bits for sale

Post by ManganMunk Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:57 am

Have you still got the parts available? If so do you know what year they were built (from the serial no) and what finish e.g. Light Oak etc.


Number of posts : 1
Location : Nottingham
Registration date : 2011-06-21

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