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Thunder III Bass refurb

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Thunder III Bass refurb Empty Thunder III Bass refurb

Post by iamcrispy Thu May 26, 2011 7:32 pm

Hi all,

I picked up a Thunder III Bass quite a few years ago, not really knowing anything about Westone, and didn't realise there was even a community until now. It's a a bit worn/beat up in places and I'm looking to sort out a couple of things.

First of all the 3 position pickup selector switch is scratchy as anything, and there's only about a 1 in 5 chance of actually getting a sound out of the thing on any position. It's probably a stupid question, but what kind of switch should I replace this with? There's a bewildering number of types of toggle switch and I'm not sure where to start.

The bridge too is a bit worse for wear, some of the adjustment screws are threaded, but it otherwise does the job. I'd be looking at either replacing these particular screws, specifically the height adjustment screws with the miniature allen key. Or even replacing the whole bridge assembly. Anywhere in particular I could find replacements for the screws or the whole thing? I'm a total newbie at this, and I'm not sure how standard they might be.

One last (stupid) question regarding the active EQ, as it seems to eat batteries like nothing else, is whether this is on only if the cable is plugged in, or all the time when the switch is in the on position?

Thanks in advance for any answers.
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Thunder III Bass refurb Empty Re: Thunder III Bass refurb

Post by Iceman Thu May 26, 2011 8:24 pm

On the scratchy switch, have you tried shooting it with a blast of contact cleaner or two? Any screws on it will most likely be metric in thread, not sure what size on your particular instrument though.

As far as the active circuit if it behaves similar to my x775 it is on when your signal jack is plugged in. It does not matter if the output device ( pedal, stompbox, amp or what have you) is powered up or not. The jack connection is the on/off switch.

The best part of this forum is if I am wrong or forgot something one of our more savvy members will be along to correct or add.

Good to have you here! Post some pics in the member's section when she is all shiny and happy.
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Thunder III Bass refurb Empty Re: Thunder III Bass refurb

Post by chaypup Fri May 27, 2011 4:34 am

I had a problem with my Superheadless eating up batteries. Check the jack socket - if the 2 metal connectors that connect to the jack are touching each other, that connects the circuit all the time and batteries will die very quickly. Just prise them apart a bit until they aren't touching. I will put pics up tomorrow to show you what I mean.

Height adjustment screws (along with the barrel saddle) are available here -

I'm after a 3 way toggle for my own Thunder III so I will let you know on that one.

And.........Lets see some pics! bounce
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Thunder III Bass refurb Empty Re: Thunder III Bass refurb

Post by Westbone Fri May 27, 2011 5:24 am

The standard bridge adjustment height grub screws on Westone basses are 3mmx15mm and are all available from

i've used this guy many times.

The switch

And you can still use the round nut and tip as per the original .
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Thunder III Bass refurb Empty Re: Thunder III Bass refurb

Post by iamcrispy Fri May 27, 2011 4:13 pm

Wow! Thanks guys. So much help in such a short amount of time. It's really appreciated.

The switch is ordered. I'm pretty sure the old one was on it's way out.

Westbone, the saddle screws on ebay look to only go up to 12mm. Would these be OK, or am I missing something?

I think my long term goal is to replace the whole bridge. The previous owner didn't exactly look after the metalwork on this thing, even the knobs look a bit crappy but will do for now. I'm really not sure if the bridge is a standard piece you can get hold of. I'd rather not drill new holes if avoidable.
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Thunder III Bass refurb Empty Re: Thunder III Bass refurb

Post by Westbone Sat May 28, 2011 6:23 am

12 mm would be ok, as a load usually sticks out the top.
Ask him for 15mm , he's got a ton of stock.
You don't want to change your bridge or knobs, amazing what you can do with a brass brush , steel wool, metal polish and a coat of clear lacquer. Very Happy
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Thunder III Bass refurb Empty Re: Thunder III Bass refurb

Post by iamcrispy Sun May 29, 2011 8:40 am

Thanks Westbone. I'll have to see what I can do.

I'll be sure to post up some pics when she's eventually looking tidier.
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