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Westone Thunder I as a gigging tool

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Westone Thunder I as a gigging tool Empty Westone Thunder I as a gigging tool

Post by Bluesman Thu Sep 04, 2008 5:31 am

Been a while since I've been on the site, so hello to you all.
Without sounding pretentious, I own a couple of 'so called high end guitars' (Gibson Standard, PRS CU24 Artist) now they are both good machines. However last night I borrowed one of the (lovely) wifes' Westone thunders. (My first gigging guitar was a Westone Thunder IA back in 85/86). So last night I played the Thunder through a Marshall DSL40, (in my humble opinion the best medium sized valve combo available), and she sounded amazing. I instantly got the subtle tones needed for tracks such as Hotel california, the crunch needed for Rock n Roll, Led Zep and the gritty power for Rosie, AC/DC. The point is, why the hell did I pay vast numbers of pounds for so called high end guitars when I can get better from a guitar that cost the wife less than a hundred quid! The rest of the lads in the band want me to stick with the Westone Thunder, so what I'm looking for is the opinion of other players who use Westones as gigging tools; is there anyone out there that still uses them as their first guitar when gigging. I'd appreciate your opinion. Anyway best wishes to you all, Bluesman

Last edited by Pollyanna on Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:27 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Replaced lower case lettering for upper case where appropriate.)
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Westone Thunder I as a gigging tool Empty Re: Westone Thunder I as a gigging tool

Post by Guest Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:32 am

Hi honey, I'm home! Wink

Hey there Bluesman, it's good to see you again!
Very Happy

Although you are the most brilliant guitarist that I know, don't forget that it is still MY guitar!
lol! lol!

'The Wife!'
❤ :flower: :queen:

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Westone Thunder I as a gigging tool Empty Re: Westone Thunder I as a gigging tool

Post by corsair Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:57 pm

Hiya, Bluesman - good to see ya again! - I can't speak to the Thunder but I can to the Matsumoku guitars which I've used exclusively for pretty much 30 years; I sold a '58 tele and bought a Vantage VA900 and "Voila!!" - all problems solved and styles catered for. This guitar was my only instrument for all that time through countless dire gigs and 3 countries, and then I 'discovered' Westone, and the rest is history! I have used my Clipper, Genesis, GT bass and Spectrum ST live and for session gigs and found them not wanting at all and though an Electra X195 is now my gigging guitar - close enough to a Westone as makes no odds!! - I would certainly use them all again if I had to; the VA has been retired; it is far too pretty to be abused anymore and will only be brought out for special occasions!
The Thunders' specs seem to be very close indeed to my Vantage and if that is indeed the case, then you're onto a good thing my friend - rock hard!!
Good set list, BTW - add a bit of Focus and Deep Purple with some Al Stewart and Bert Jansch for the quieter stuff and your set could be mine!!
Glad you've found the Westones, man - you won't look back; I once owned LP's, Strats and a Jaguar and for the outlay involved, Uncle Matt wins, hands down!! cheers
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Westone Thunder I as a gigging tool Empty Gigging tools

Post by Bluesman Fri Sep 05, 2008 9:05 am

Hi John, hope all is well. Thanks for the response, much appreciated. You know it is with us aging rockers, if your guitar has not got Fender or Gibson stamped on the headstock then its not stage worthy. Such Rock n Roll conventions colour our perception of what we are expected to use. I've never been one for convention, so I'm gonna give this Thunder a good run, let the punters decide.

A 58 Tele, now thats special, owned a few modern teles, a Mexican standard and a Lite Ash with seymours, both excellent guitars, sold them to pay for another guitar, but Ive longed for real nuts and bolts tele from the early days.

Aye, we like our set, as a gigging muso you'll appreciate how important it is to play tracks you would listen to yourself. We decided to play what we want as opposed to what we are expected to play for the gigging circuit. We've slipped in Red House and Watchtower by Hendrix, Mr Big and the Hunter by Free, this is the sort of stuff that made me want to play guitar in the first place. I enjoy playing Purple, Highway Star, Fireball, Child in time, they are not in the sets but theres time!

Anyhow, thanks for you support, I appreciate your input. One day when continental drift pushes our wee islands together we'll jam some westone rock n roll, until then keep the faith, all the best Stephen
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