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Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone Phionix., Necks

The Chad
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Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone  Phionix., Necks Empty Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone Phionix., Necks

Post by fish Thu Feb 24, 2011 1:12 pm

Cheaper by the dozen, two ST, one DX & three Electra Phoenix, necks only, well not that cheep.


Last edited by fish on Thu Feb 24, 2011 3:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone  Phionix., Necks Empty Re: Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone Phionix., Necks

Post by Baluski Thu Feb 24, 2011 3:22 pm

$89.99 + $20.00 for shipping...ridiculous.
Westone Nut

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Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone  Phionix., Necks Empty Re: Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone Phionix., Necks

Post by The Chad Thu Feb 24, 2011 3:28 pm

I just saw these and was going to post about them. Too pricey though.
The Chad
The Chad
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Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone  Phionix., Necks Empty Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone Phionix., Necks

Post by fish Thu Feb 24, 2011 3:33 pm

Baluski wrote:

$89.99 + $20.00 for shipping...ridiculous.

I said he wasn't that cheep Rolling Eyes looks like a breakers yard to me Twisted Evil
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Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone  Phionix., Necks Empty Re: Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone Phionix., Necks

Post by Baluski Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:23 pm

I'm wondering what happened to the rest of the guitars...
Westone Nut

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Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone  Phionix., Necks Empty Re: Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone Phionix., Necks

Post by Guest Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:20 pm

Now he has some of the bodys for sale.

I hate when someone takes apart a guitar to sell in pieces. Buy a guitar for 400 dollars then split it apart and sell the pieces to get 500 dollars. IMO this guy over prices everything he sells. He has a different account for "complete" guitars and they are way overpriced IMO. Oh well, everyone has to make a living

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Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone  Phionix., Necks Empty Re: Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone Phionix., Necks

Post by Barry Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:31 pm

sarcaster wrote:...I hate when someone takes apart a guitar to sell in pieces...

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone  Phionix., Necks Guitar10
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Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone  Phionix., Necks Empty Re: Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone Phionix., Necks

Post by corsair Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:39 am

If the guitar was properly munted, then I have no problem with it, but to destroy perfectly good guitars that maybe just need a little TLC, then.. string 'im up by the nuts, I say!! Evil or Very Mad I reckon he was overpriced as well, and not by a little bit....
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Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone  Phionix., Necks Empty Re: Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone Phionix., Necks

Post by bowenjaybee Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:57 am

sarcaster wrote:I hate when someone takes apart a guitar to sell in pieces.

I once bought a Westone because I really wanted the original case and a couple of parts from it, then I auctioned the other parts off. I made more from the parts than the guitar cost me, so the case and the parts I needed were free.....makes sense to me!

But it's a shame that someone is breaking apart perfectly good guitars just to fill his wallet.

There are loads of Fender boys at it... I suppose everybody has seen This Seller before, it's unbelievable the amount of money he must make.
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Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone  Phionix., Necks Empty Re: Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone Phionix., Necks

Post by Westbone Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:11 am

What happened to your thunder bass restoration?
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Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone  Phionix., Necks Empty Re: Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone Phionix., Necks

Post by bowenjaybee Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:14 am

Westbone wrote:What happened to your thunder bass restoration?

It went tits up.. read above lol!
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Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone  Phionix., Necks Empty Re: Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone Phionix., Necks

Post by Westbone Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:22 am

Thats what I thought. affraid lol!

Missed your bass tuners, sheite
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Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone  Phionix., Necks Empty Re: Weston Spectrum ST/ DX/ Electra Westone Phionix., Necks

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